2.每篇稿件的篇幅以4 000-6 000 字為宜,內(nèi)容包括:標(biāo)題、摘要、關(guān)鍵詞、正文、注釋、參考文獻(xiàn)。中文稿件摘要200字左右、關(guān)鍵詞3—5個(gè);稿件中如有插圖,請(qǐng)?zhí)峁?MB以上JPEG格式圖片。參考文獻(xiàn)一律用尾注,關(guān)于格式規(guī)范,中文稿件請(qǐng)參照中華人民共和國國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化管理委員會(huì)發(fā)布的《信息與文獻(xiàn) 參考文獻(xiàn)著錄規(guī)則》(GB/T7714—2015),英文稿件請(qǐng)參照芝加哥大學(xué)出版社發(fā)行的《芝加哥論文格式手冊(cè)》(第16版)。
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定 價(jià):50.00元
郵 編:200336
Please contact Shanghai University Press for exchange regarding printing and binding issues.
Governed by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission
Sponsored by Shanghai Theatre Academy, Shanghai University
Supported by Internatianal Theatre Institute, Shanghai International Dance Center Development Foundation
Published by Shanghai University Press Co., Ltd
Distributed by Shanghai University Press Co., Ltd
Printed by Jiangyin Jiguan Printing Services Co., Ltd
Edited by the Editorial Team of Contemporary Dance Research
Distribution: Openly Distributed
Price: 50.00 CNY
Domestic Code of Issuing: 4-939
Address: Shanghai lnternational Dance Center
No.1650 Hongqiao Road, Changning District, Shanghai, China
Zip code: 200336
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E-mail: dangdaiwudaoyishu@163.com
Distribution Tel: 021-66135109
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Call for Papers
Contemporary Dance Research, published quarterly, is the unprecedented Chinese/English bilingual academic journal of dance in China.Strongly supported by Shanghai Municipal Government and Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and started by Shanghai Theatre Academy, we aim at realizing the grand vision of the cultural development of Shanghai as an international metropolis.Based in China with an overlook over the world, our journal is trying to build an academic exchanging platform for Chinese and international dance scholars.
Our journal invites contributions in dance history, dance principles and aesthetics, criticisms of current dance development, dance education, choreography, performance, communication and exchanges of dance, as well as interdisciplinary research such as dance medicine, sports science, science of body and mind and dance multimedia.
Instructions for Submitting a Paper:
1.Contributions welcomed to our issues are submissions with innovative topics written with clear perspectives, drawing on solid references and following the standard format in citation; quality in terms of scholarship, theoretical depth, or applicability.
2.Authors are asked to submit a full paper(4 000-6 000 words) with the manuscript title, short abstract (200 words), keywords (3-5),body text, notes, bibliography, and high-resolution JPEG pictures (over 1 MB) if any.The bibliography should be at the end of the paper.For Chinese papers, please use Information and documentation—Rules for bibliographic references and citations for information resources (GB/T 7714-2015) issued by the Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China.For English papers, please use the Chicago Manual of Style (16th Edition) for citation.
3.Papers can only be accepted through the online submission system and submission email as Word documents.
4.Papers should be original, unpublished work (either in print media or online) and are not being submitted elsewhere.Any form of plagiarism shall be strictly prohibited.
5.The author making submission must provide a brief bio, including full name, gender, highest degree received, affiliation and position, professional title, academic ranks, main research areas, and contact details (phone number, e mail, address, and zip code).
6.We welcome contributions from both the home and abroad.We will offer some remuneration to the authors of high-quality papers.
7.Due to high influx of papers, we are not able to reply individually to each submission or return the papers to the authors.Authors having not heard from us for four months may submit their papers to other journals.