Punishments shall be compatible with their respective crimes.Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty emphasized that the severity of penalties shall be commensurate with the seriousness of crimes,and that only in this way can the disciplinary role of penalties be realized.The concept is similar to the modern criminal law principle of the punishment must fit the crime.
引例 Citation:
◎ 賞當(dāng)其勞,無功者自退;罰當(dāng)其罪,為惡者戒懼。(吳兢《貞觀政要·擇官》)(獎賞要與功績相當(dāng),沒有功績的人就會自動退避;懲罰要與罪過相稱,作惡的人就會有所戒懼。)
If the reward is commensurate with the merit,those without merit will naturally back off;if the punishment is commensurate with the crime,malefactors will be deterred.(Wu Jing:Important Political Affairs of the Zhenguan Reign)