Your eyes pick up color using a type of cell called cones in your retina. The same is true for dogs,though our cones aren't exactly the same.
Humans have three types of cones,“which enables us to see different shades of red,blue-violet,and green,”says Alison Meindl,DVM,a veterinarian,and professor at Colorado State University.
Dogs have two types of cones that pick up blue- violet and yellow shades,says Lara Sypniewski,DVM,a professor of small animal medicine at Oklahoma State University.
This means that dogs see in a similar way to humans who are red- green colorblind. “They don't see red or green and they see everything in shades of blue and yellow,”says Jay Neitz,Phd,a researcher and professor of ophthalmology at the University of Washington.
Humans may have the advantage in color vision,but dogs definitely have us beat in the realm of night vision. This is because dog's eyes have more light-gathering power than ours,Neitz says.
A dog's retina is largely composed of cells called rods,which can sense light,even in very low-light conditions,says Sypniewski.