Allogenic hematopoietic cell transplantation (allo-HCT) is the routine treatment and a potential cure with proven efficacy for wide variety of life threatening hematological diseases
. According to World Wide Network of Blood and Bone Marrow Transplantation, more than 90 000 hematopoietic stem cell transplants (HSCTs; 53% autologous and 47% allogenic) are performed every year worldwide
.Ever since the first successful allo-HCT in 1968, it has a significant contribution towards survival of patients suffering from these diseases. The new developments in this field like better immunosuppressive regimens, improved preconditioning protocols and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing have led to substantial increase in the survival rates after transplants
.But, like any other successful therapy, allo-HCT is also associated with its side effects. One of the major complications of allo-HCT is graft versus host disease (GVHD). The incidence of GVHD was reported to be 70.5% in 1974
. Even today, with all the advances, the incidence remains high (25%-70%),making it a worrisome cause of morbidity and mortality
Ocular Findings The five years cumulative incidence of oGVHD among post-transplant patients was 56.98%(Figure 1) with 95%CI (38.6%-71.7%). The incidence of developing oGVHD was not statistically different between gender (
=0.418; Figure 2). However, the incidence oGVHD was statistically significant in patients diagnosed withacute myelocytic leukemia (AML) as compared to acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL;
=0.038; Figure 3). The mean latent period to develop ocular symptoms was 20.51±17.80mo(669.2±626.68d). Ocular signs and severity of ocular involvement was showed in Table 3. All patients with oGVHD received lubricant drops and 42.86% patients received cyclosporine 0.5% eye drops (Table 4). Local treatment for patients with eye involvement were showed in Table 4.
Statistical Analysis Quantitative variables, patient and donor’s age, were summarized and reported in terms of median.Categorical variables gender, pre-transplant and post-transplant characteristics and patients’ outcomes were reported in terms of frequency tables and percentages. The association between ocular manifestation and chronic GVHD was analyzed using the Fisher exact test. Statistical tests were declared significant if
-value was less than 0.05. The incidence was reported in terms of incidence rate and corresponding Wilson 95%confidence intervals (95%CI).
Ocular involvement can be of variable severity. It can even restrict the daily life activities of the patient thus effecting the quality of life. Timely recognition of the problem, diagnosis and aggressive treatment can improve the quality of life and save the vision
. Effective and appropriate preventive therapies have yet to be developed for oGVHD. Once diagnosed, ocular treatment includes intense lubrication and support of the ocular surface, stabilization of existing tear film, inflammation control and surgical intervention in form of punctal plugs, punctal cautery and limbal stem cell transplants
. We aim to evaluate the incidence and severity of oGVHD in patients who underwent allogenic stem cell transplants in this institution between 2010 till 2017. After assessing the disease burden and intensity, we also aim to design a protocol for the comprehensive assessment, timely diagnosis and ophthalmologic management of oGVHD.
Ethical Approval This study was approved by the King Abdullah International Medical Research Center Institutional Review Board (No.RC18/165/R). The data was collected from patients’ electronic medical record. The patients’ medical record number were identified through HCT database.
Study Procedure After receiving ethical approval, the ocular data was picked from the ophthalmology history and examination charts. It included the date of referral to ophthalmology, ocular examination findings (visual acuity,meibomian gland dysfunction, corneal and conjunctival staining with severity, corneal scarring, tear film meniscus and breakup time, anterior and posterior segment examination findings, intraocular pressure, treatment given, punctual plugs used or not, and follow up response). Visual symptoms, ocular disturbances and ocular signs was graded according to the DEWS 2007 classification. This was determined by measuring the parameters which include symptoms of dry eyes, tear film breakup time (TBUT), and other abnormalities noted in the conjunctiva, cornea, tear film, lid, and meibomian glands
.We did not take Schirmer’s test in our evaluation as the test was not being done during study period in our center.
The common sites involved in chronic GVHD in order of frequency are skin (75%), mouth (51%-63%) and liver(29%-51%)
. Literature shows that 50%-90% of transplant recipients with systemic GVHD have ocular complication
.The 40%-60% of patients receiving allo-HCT get ocular chronic GVHD
. The mean latency from the transplant to the development of ocular GVHD (oGVHD) has been reported to be 16.4mo
. It affects almost all structures of the eye (lids, lacrimal glands, conjunctiva, cornea, uvea, vitreous,and choroids), but typically affects anterior segment. Posterior segment complications are less common as compared to the ocular surface disease
Logistic regression was used to explore the risk factors for developing ocular manifestation among patients diagnosed with post-transplant GVHD. Dependent variable was ocular manifestation (yes/no). The independent variables were patient’s age, donor’s age, CD3 and CD34 infused, donor’s gender mismatch, use of total body irradiation (TBI) and antithymocyte globulin (ATG). The results were reported as odds ratios (OR), 95%CI, and
-values. Analyses were performed using SAS version 9.4 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA).
Study Design and Participants This retrospective cohort study was conducted in patients who underwent allo-HCT from 2010 to 2017 in King Abdul-Aziz Medical City, Riyadh,Saudi Arabia. In this study, we defined oGVHD as dry eyes occurring after HSCT in patients who developed systemic GVHD and were not known to have previous history dry eyes. The criteria set for acute oGVHD was new onset eye discomfort with classic systemic acute GVHD, and that for chronic oGVHD was newly documented keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) signs detected on slit lamp examination.
Out of 330 patients who underwent HSCT between years 2010-2017, incidence of systemic GVHD has been 18.48%which is very low compared to other studies with reported incidence of acute and chronic GVHD to be around 40% and 30%-70% respectively among the HLA-matched patients
.In literature, oGVHD develops in about 10% of acute GVHD patients and is poor prognostic sign
. Among 28 (44.26%)patients who developed ocular manifestation in our study only one patient had acute oGVHD.
We had 28 patients with oGVHD, out of which only 1 had acute ocular GVHD with only eye manifestation. Rest 27 patients with oGVHD had chronic GVHD (including overlap).All patients with oGVHD among chronic GVHD patients had liver and skin involvement in our study. All patients received corticosteroids as a systemic treatment (Table 2).
根據(jù)女性盆底功能障礙的特點(diǎn)及臨床表現(xiàn),其可歸屬于中醫(yī)學(xué)“陰脫”、“ 遺溺”等病證范疇,其病因病機(jī)主要是由于年高體衰,或妊娠、產(chǎn)次過多,損傷臟腑功能,致脾腎虧虛,脾主肌肉,腎主攝納,脾腎虧虛則攝納之力減弱,致沖任不固而下脫,導(dǎo)致陰脫、遺溺等病證的發(fā)生。因此在治療本病時(shí),總以健脾補(bǔ)腎、調(diào)理沖任為主。本研究選擇的會(huì)陰穴是任脈要穴,也是沖任及督脈之交會(huì)穴,具有統(tǒng)攝氣血運(yùn)行、維持陰陽平衡的功效。溫針灸是一種針刺、艾灸的有機(jī)結(jié)合治療方法,用其刺激會(huì)陰穴可發(fā)揮大補(bǔ)元?dú)?、升舉清陽、固脫止遺的作用。綜上,采用溫針灸治療女性盆底功能障礙效果理想,值得推廣。
We studied the outcome of patients with oGVHD and Chisquare test was used to calculate the significance of survival rate between the ocular GVHD and non-ocular cases which was not found to be significant with
value of 0.4928 (Table 6).Major cause of death among oGVHD patients was primary disease itself. In the study group 82.14% of oGVHD patients had follow up more than 1y (Table 6).
Risk Factors of Developing Ocular Manifestations The potential risk factors we assessed for developing ocular manifestation were age, gender, donor gender mismatch,CD3 and CD4 infusion, systemic skin involvement, chronic GVHD severity, reduced intensity conditioning (RIC) versus myeloablative (MYLO), TBI (no versus yes), prophylactic ATG (no versus yes), prophylactic cyclophosphamide (no versus yes). Recipient age was the only statistically significant predictor of developing ocular manifestation among patients with GVHD. None of the other correlates were identified as statistically significant risk factors of developing ocular manifestation (Table 5).
A variety of life-threatening hematologic malignancies like lymphomas, leukemias, aplastic anemia, severe combined immunodeficiency, certain metabolic diseases such as lysosomal storage disorders and mucopolysaccharidosis are treated by HSCT
. HSCT includes bone marrow transplantation (BMT), peripheral blood stem cell transplantation and cord blood transplantation. It can be autologous (when the cells are harvested from the patient),syngeneic (when taken from an identical twin), and allogenic(when the donor cells are from either a related or an unrelated individual). Despite of the revolutionary advances in the management strategies, GVHD still remains one of the majorcomplications of allogenic stem cell transplantation. Though post-transplant survival rates are increasing, GVHD remains a major cause of non-relapse morbidity and mortality in these patients
Historically, GVHD had been classified into two broad categories (acute and chronic) by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This classification was based on the appearance of symptoms before or after 100d of transplant, even if the clinical manifestations were indistinguishable from acute GVHD. In 2005, the NIH sponsored a consensus conference that proposed new criteria for diagnosis and classification of chronic GVHD for clinical trials
. Two new terms named persistent, recurrent and late onset were added for cases of acute GVHD which persisted for >3mo and term overlap syndrome for those with features of chronic and acute GVHD appear together without any consideration to time limit.According to the consensus criteria, clinical manifestations rather than time after transplantation should be used to distinguish chronic GVHD from late acute GVHD, as shown in Table 7.
Baseline Characteristics A total of 330 patients had allogeneic HSCT in King Abdul Aziz Medical City during year 2010-2017. Out of these 61 patients who developed GVHD(acute, overlap, and chronic) and documented in patients’medical charts were selected. Of the total sample of 61, there were 33 (54.1%) males and 28 females (45.9%). The mean age at diagnosis was 27y and the donor’s mean age was 23y. The demographic characteristics are summarized in Table 1.
The reported risk factors for the development of GVHD are multiple
and these mainly include disparity in HLA and incomplete HLA matching. The conditioning regimens which used high dose of irradiations for the whole body has also been described as a risk factor. Other studied factors include a history of prior acute GVHD and lack of prophylaxis for acute GVHD, cyclosporine-based prophylaxis with higher incidence of acute GVHD as compared to Tacrolimus-based prophylaxis, ABO incompatibility, the primary diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemia or aplastic anemia, peripheral blood as a source of stem cells and lack of T-cell depletion.The donor associated risk factors include unrelated donor, old age of recipient and donor, female donor to male recipient and female donor with history of pregnancies and transfusions.In this study, we tried to find the risk factors for development of oGVHD in patients with chronic GVHD after allo-HCT.We reviewed a number of publications in this regard. The comparison has not been very simple due to differences in study designs, sample sizes, and the diagnostic criteria. The referrals based on ocular signs and symptoms and then follow up durations especially in ophthalmology department has also been quiet variable
. One of our observations has been that oGVHD was more common among the patients who suffered from AML and underwent HSCT. Most of our patients who developed the ocular manifestations had moderate to severe systemic chronic GVHD which showed patients with moderate and severe systemic GVHD are at increased risk of developing oGVHD as compared to mild disease. Previous studies have also linked increased riskof oGVHD with moderate-severe systemic disease
. The median age at diagnosis in our study was 27 and recipient age was a predictor for developing oGVHD which was statistically significant. Researchers have reported that male patients who received transplants from female donors were at increased risk for oGVHD, similar results have been published by Kamoi
and Jacobs
. This observation didn’t replicate in our study. The mean onset time of oGVHD in our patients has been estimated to be 669.2±626.68d (20.51mo). This is significantly longer than reported previously. The 171d(5.7mo, in a group of 53 patients) was observed by Ogawa
. Tichelli
reported a median onset time of 13.8mo in a group of 48 patients, whereas Shikari
reported 293d between the transplant and appearance of ocular signs which is approximately 9.8mo, in a group of 200 patients.The difference can be attributed due to the difference in preconditioning regime and immunosuppressant therapy that our patients had received.
The pathophysiology and clinical features of acute oGVHD and chronic oGVHD varies. The acute oGVHD is mainly T cell mediated process in the conjunctival tissue which causes pseudomembranous and hemorrhagic conjunctivitis. We had only one patient with acute oGVHD who presented with severe conjunctivitis. Chronic oGVHD is due to increase in number of stromal CD34 β fibroblasts as well as infiltration of T cell causing inflammatory destruction of conjunctiva and lacrimal gland with fibrosis. KCS or dry eyes is the most common ocular manifestation of chronic oGVHD along with inflammatory signs like conjunctival edema, chemosis,membrane formation and Meibomian gland dysfunction(MGD)
. As mentioned above, all patients who were diagnosed with oGVHD had dry eye disease irrespective of differences in conditioning regimen. We modified DEWS 2007 classification for grading the severity of the dry eye disease and didn’t include Schirmer’s test. Severe dry eyes usually end up with filamentary keratitis, corneal ulceration, corneal neovascularization, and ultimately corneal perforation if not treated. In our study group only 2 patients developed corneal ulceration and treated promptly with topical antibiotics, heavy lubrication and punctal plugs along with topical cyclosporine 0.05%. Ogawa
showed that MGD was severely damaged in patients with severe dry eye and chronic GVHD and in their study 47% of patients developed MGD. In the present study 57.1% of patients had MGD on presentation which suggests that MGD may allow us to diagnose severe dry eye with GVHD early in the course of the disease. The only posterior segment complication in our study is papilledema in a patient, which in our observation was due to systemic cyclosporine rather than direct GVHD complication.
All patients were treated with preservative free lubricating eye drops and ointments. Seven (25.0%) patients needed steroids to control inflammation whereas 12 (42.86%) needed additional cyclosporine eye drops and 8 (28.57%) patient needed acetylcysteine. Five (17.86%) were inserted with punctal plugs whereas one patient needed punctal cautery. Seventeen(62.96%) improved whereas 10 remained stable during follow up period. None of the patient worsened after initial referral.
One of the limitations of our study is its retrospective nature.There was lack of pretransplant baseline ocular examination.Lack of complete ocular data in few patients. As Schirmer test was not done in any of the patient, we were, therefore unable to meet NIH criteria for grading the dry eyes. Initiation of dry eye treatment for some symptomatic patients with mild disease by the primary team with no ophthalmology referrals might be a reason for relatively lower incidence. Moreover, we have taken mean time of onset of oGVHD from transplantation date to presentation of patient in ophthalmology clinic as an urgent referral from hematology department which in turn has caused wide range in mean time.
In conclusion, the incidence of systemic and oGVDH has been low in patients who underwent HSCT in the current study. The incidence of oGVHD was higher in AML compared to ALL patients. The latent period for appearance of ocular GVHD was longer than prior reported numbers in the literature.The variation can be attributed to the differences in preconditioning regime and immunosuppressant therapies across patients. Baseline ophthalmology assessment is needed in order to diagnose oGVHD earlier and increase awareness of vision threatening complications of oGVHD. In order to do this, we suggest designing an agreed referral pathway, and setting up oGVHD clinics with new diagnostic modalities in collaboration with Hematology Department. A mutually agreed protocol needs to be tailored for pre transplant baseline assessment and post-transplant follow up. This will help in picking up the cases early along the course and prompt treatment. A multipronged treatment approach (lubrication and tear preservation, prevention of tear evaporation, reducing ocular inflammatory process and surgical interventions) will decrease the long-term morbidity.
Furthermore, prospective studies with larger study population are needed to assess the disease burden and intensity more accurately.
Conflicts of Interest: Aldebasi T, None; Bashir R, None;Gangadharan S, None; Shaheen N, None; Alhussain B,None; Almudhaiyan T, None; Alahmari B, None.
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International Journal of Ophthalmology2022年7期