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2023-01-16 09:36韓宇寧李樂洲
農(nóng)業(yè)工程學報 2022年17期

張 琨,韓宇寧,李樂洲,周 瑋


張 琨1,韓宇寧1,李樂洲2,周 瑋2※

(1. 大連海洋大學海洋與土木工程學院,大連 116021;2.大連海洋大學水產(chǎn)與生命學院,大連 116021)

水產(chǎn)養(yǎng)殖中水體分層在水中形成屏障,阻礙質(zhì)量和能量交換,進而導致水質(zhì)惡化,影響水體中生物的生長。針對此問題,該研究在實驗室條件下對玻璃水槽中2種不同鹽度水體(淡水和4% NaCl溶液)染色,僅依靠浮力作用,觀測水體去分層過程的準備、起動、混合和均勻4個階段;在壓力差的驅(qū)動下,形成“上升流”式的上涌對流,發(fā)現(xiàn)流體上浮至分層界面發(fā)生混合并使躍層增厚,最終引起分層水體失穩(wěn)破壞。依據(jù)試驗結(jié)果總結(jié)出水體分層破壞過程分為準備、起動、混合和均勻4個階段,在給定工況下,100 L/h輸水流量混合作用最強且完全混合的時間最短,25 L/h輸水流量混合作用最弱且完全混合的時間最長。該文發(fā)現(xiàn)在一定鹽度差異下,水體去分層起動時間和完全混合時間的變化規(guī)律對水產(chǎn)養(yǎng)殖產(chǎn)業(yè)有促進作用。


0 引 言





1 材料與方法

1.1 系統(tǒng)設(shè)置

試驗材料選取亞克力管1根(長55 cm、內(nèi)徑2.5 cm),亞克力連通器1個(管內(nèi)徑2 cm、入水口管長13 cm、出水口管長19 cm),分流器1個(4孔分流、內(nèi)徑4 mm),塑料軟管4根(長2 m、內(nèi)徑4 mm)、塑料薄膜若干(長200 cm、寬200 cm),精制鹽若干(GB/T5461),高錳酸鉀粉末若干(KMnO4化學純度≥99%),自來水若干。

玻璃水槽1個(長113 cm、寬32 cm、深48 cm),標本瓶1個(內(nèi)徑17 cm、高20 cm),小型潛水泵1臺(8 W功率),攝像機1臺(紅米note8 pro),白光燈帶1條(長2 m,24 W功率),自吸泵2臺(220 W功率),YSI 1臺(ProPlus),塑料桶2個(容量300 L)。

增加鹽度在線監(jiān)測系統(tǒng),包括鹽度傳感器5支(0~7%鹽度測量范圍、準確度±1、分辨率1 s),鹽度控制器5臺(0~7%鹽度測量范圍、確度±1、分辨率1 s)。鹽度傳感器分別垂直、等間距設(shè)置在試驗水槽后壁中軸線0、10、20、30、40 cm處,監(jiān)測各水層鹽度變化數(shù)據(jù)并傳輸至鹽度控制器。

同等溫度條件下300 L塑料桶中將40 g高錳酸鉀加入200 L自來水中配制成1:5 000的KMnO4溶液,將8 kg精制鹽加入200 L自來水中配制成鹽度4%NaCl溶液,兩種溶液分別充分攪拌。

1.2 試驗方法


在回水收集槽中加入染色水體(1∶5 000 KMnO4溶液),用亞克力連通器與試驗水槽建立虹吸關(guān)系。高錳酸鉀溶液用于染色上層水體分層,NaCl溶液屬于透明鹽水分層。試驗所用注水部分為1根塑料軟管,供水流量分別為25 L/h、50 L/h、75 L/h、100 L/h;亞克力管出水口設(shè)置于實驗水槽水平中心處、垂直試驗水槽底部,距底1 cm處。

用水泵將鹽水層(4% NaCl溶液)吸入試驗水槽至20 cm處;然后用塑料薄膜覆蓋;再用水泵將淡水層(1∶5 000 KMnO4溶液)吸入塑料薄膜上方,至40 cm處;最后從一側(cè)將塑料薄膜緩慢拉出。此時,水槽20 cm以下為無色透明的鹽水層,20~40 cm為紫紅色清水層。

試驗裝置如圖1所示。在距離水槽2 m處的中軸線位置處放置攝像機,先開啟錄像,后接通潛水泵電源,完整記錄試驗過程。實驗過程中通過水層界面顏色觀察記錄水體波動、混合過程及相關(guān)現(xiàn)象。

2 去分層現(xiàn)象觀測

通過輸水管向水槽底層輸送清水形成垂直方向?qū)α鞣绞降幕旌献饔?,圖2用染色的方法記錄了在流量為25 L/h的靜壓力條件下,垂直對流混合的去分層過程,圖中水色的浸染反映了混合過程中水體的運動狀態(tài),水色的深淺則反映了表底層水體混合程度。從穩(wěn)定分層開始到水體混合均勻,混合過程可分為準備階段、起動階段、混合階段、混勻階段。


圖2 去分層現(xiàn)象全過程





圖2e中形成明顯的過渡帶,這與海洋中的溫躍層(變溫層)類似[26],Maxworthy等[27-28]學者在試驗研究中將這種現(xiàn)象定義為分層過渡區(qū)。隨著試驗的進行,上浮水團不斷水平擴散后堆積,造成躍層的厚度()逐漸增厚,結(jié)合浮力強度[25]公式(1)分析,浮力頻率越小,躍層強度越弱,即躍層越不穩(wěn)定。因此,躍層厚度從試驗開始(約0 cm)不斷增厚(圖2f),混合階段內(nèi)越來越小,躍層變得越來越不穩(wěn)定。

式中是重力加速度,取9.8 m/s2;ρ為躍層上邊界密度,近似為1.0×103kg/m3;ρ為躍層下邊界密度,近似為1.029×103kg/m3;為躍層厚度,cm。




3 結(jié)果與分析

3.1 流量對水層鹽度分布的影響

圖3顯示了輸水管向水槽底層輸送不同流量的淡水時,5組在線監(jiān)測傳感器記錄的表層、次表層、中層、次底層、底層鹽度變化過程。由試驗數(shù)據(jù)比較可知,輸水流量對槽內(nèi)水體的去分層作用有明顯的影響:100 L/h流量混合作用最強,完全混合的時間最短,25 L/h流量混合作用最弱,完全混合的時間最長。

3.2 流量對水層起動和混合時間的影響


()次底層=(2.82 ± 0.19) + (81.33 ± 10.55)×

(0.93 ± 0.01)R2=0.999 62 (2)

()底層=(9.67 ± 0.92) + (459.78 ± 150.44)×

(0.91 ± 0.01)R2=0.999 09 (3)

()次表層=(11.28 ± 1.02) + (169.18 ± 14.47)×

(0.95 ± 0.00)R2=0.999 47 (4)


(0.96 ± 0.00)R2=0.999 44 (5)


圖3 4組流量下各水層鹽度變化情況

圖4 流量隨時間的變化關(guān)系



(0.98±6.258×10-19)2=0.999 99(6)


4 結(jié) 論



2)消除水體分層,本質(zhì)是水體對流作用所引起的質(zhì)量傳遞現(xiàn)象。在壓力差的驅(qū)動下,向穩(wěn)定的鹽水區(qū)輸送淡水形成“上升流”致使躍層增厚,最終造成分層水體失穩(wěn)破壞。在本試驗工況下,100 L/h輸水流量混合作用最強,完全混合的時間最短,25 L/h輸水流量混合作用最弱,完全混合的時間最長。


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Effects of different salinity on water delamination under laboratory conditions

Zhang Kun1, Han Yuning1, Li Lezhou2, Zhou Wei2※


Salinity stratification has caused the uneven distribution of nutrients in the water body for aquaculture. A barrier layer can be normally formed to hinder the exchange of quality and energy, leading to the deterioration of water quality. Therefore, stratification can pose a great threat to the growth of organisms in the water body. In this study, two kinds of water bodies were dyed with different salinity in a glass tank in the laboratory. Four stages of water body delamination were observed: preparation, start-up, mixing, and homogenization, when depending only on buoyancy. Among them, the pressure difference was driven to form the upwelling convection of the "upwelling" type. The upwelling was then floated up to the layered interface for the mixing and thick thermocline. Eventually, the layered water body triggered the instability and destruction. The experimental system consisted of a glass tank, a backwater collecting tank, a water injection, and a backwater part. Specifically, the glass tank was the main body of the system. The backwater collecting tank was composed of sample bottles, whose upper edge of the horizontal position was aligned with the experimental tank. The water injection part also included the small submersible pump, diverter, plastic hose, and acrylic pipe. The water in the return collection tank was firstly delivered by the small submersible pump, and then carried to the predetermined water layer of the test tank via the diverter and plastic hose. In the backwater part, the inlet of acrylic connectors was set on the surface of the experimental water tank, while the outlet was on the bottom of the backwater tank. The water level of the experimental water tank was kept stable by the siphoning during operation. The salinity change was recorded on the surface, subsurface, middle, sub bottom, and bottom layer. Five groups of sensors were used to online monitor the process, when the water pipe was delivered the fresh water of different flows to the bottom layer of the tank. The results show that there was a significant impact of the water delivery flow on the delamination of the water body in the tank. Furthermore, there was the strongest mixing effect of 100 L/h flow, and the shortest time of complete mixing. By contrast, there was the weakest mixing effect of 25 L/h flow, and the longest time of complete mixing. A large amount of experimental data was summarized to obtain the fitting formulas. The function curve was then achieved in the impact of water delivery on the start-up time of the sub bottom, bottom, sub surface, and surface layer. A specific relationship was obtained between the water delivery volume and the time required for the full mixing under the given working conditions in the laboratory. The layered destruction of the water body was summarized to determine the influence of the water delivery flow on the salinity, starting, and mixing time of the water layer. The finding can also provide a strong reference for aquaculture production.

environment; breed; water quality; delamination of water body; salinity distribution; mixing time





張琨,韓宇寧,李樂洲,等. 實驗室條件下不同鹽度水體去分層試驗[J]. 農(nóng)業(yè)工程學報,2022,38(17):240-245. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.17.026 http://www.tcsae.org

Zhang Kun, Han Yuning, Li Lezhou, et al. Effects of different salinity on water delamination under laboratory conditions[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(17): 240-245. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.17.026 http://www.tcsae.org






山东省| 繁昌县| 田阳县| 马尔康县| 女性| 贵州省| 建宁县| 江孜县| 万全县| 介休市| 奉贤区| 宜章县| 玉龙| 承德县| 高雄县| 顺平县| 门源| 沽源县| 明光市| 镇江市| 都安| 东源县| 建德市| 体育| 汉源县| 方城县| 龙江县| 彭山县| 扬州市| 黄平县| 延吉市| 离岛区| 南陵县| 宜丰县| 高唐县| 文昌市| 巴中市| 遵义县| 赤水市| 奉新县| 石景山区|