《中華海洋法學評論》(ChinaOceansLawReview),國際刊號:ISSN 1813-7350,國內(nèi)刊號:CN-35(Q)第0017 號,電子刊號:ISSN 2518-6906,是海洋法領域中英雙語全文對照的優(yōu)秀國際學術期刊。前身為創(chuàng)刊于2005 年的《中國海洋法學評論》,自2019 年起由半年刊改為季刊。
一、來稿題材和體裁不限,論文、評論、書評、譯作、案例評析等均可,中文投稿每篇原則上不超過1.2 萬字,英文投稿每篇原則上不超過2 萬詞(含腳注)。
七、歡迎對本刊文章進行轉載、摘登和結集出版,但應尊重原作者依照《中華人民共和國著作權法》享有的權利,并在轉載時注明“轉自《中華海洋法學評論》20XX年第X 期”和原作者、譯校者姓名,同時書面通知本刊編輯部。
九、為了實現(xiàn)辦公信息化,本刊要求作者必須以電子郵件方式投稿,不再接受紙質(zhì)投稿。來稿(僅接受Microsoft Word 文檔)請發(fā)送至電子郵箱:colr@xmu.edu.cn。
Submissions Instructions
TheChinaOceansLawReview[ISSN 1813-7350, CN-35 (Q) No. 0017, ISSN 2518-6906 (online)] is a Chinese-English bilingual academic journal focusing on ocean-related laws and policies. Launched in 2005, theCOLRchanged from a semiannual to a quarterly publication in 2019.
TheCOLRis jointly sponsored by Xiamen University South China Sea Institute,Dalian Maritime University Institute of Maritime Law and Ocean Law, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University CY Tung International Centre for Maritime Studies, University of Macau Faculty of Law, and Taiwan Normal University Graduate Institute of Political Science. The Journal has been indexed by many well-known academic databases at home and aboard, such as HeinOnline, Westlaw China, Airiti, CNKI, Cqvip, Duxiu,and Lawinfochina.com. Papers from all academics and industry practitioners are faithfully respected and welcome. TheCOLRrequests that contributors comply with the following standards:
1. No restrictions are placed on the style, idea or perspective of the piece. The same standards of review are applied to all submissions. Although there are no minimum or maximum page requirements for submissions, submissions that are 20,000 words or less, including text and footnotes, are strongly preferred.
2. All material submitted must be original and unpublished works.
3. Authors are responsible for the content of their contributions, unless otherwise declared; however, the Editorial Board has the discretion to edit the textual details. If the submission is a translation, the original article and a written authorization issued by the original author or publisher are also required.
4. Please use footnotes rather than endnotes. Footnotes should conform to the Manual of Legal Citation (2019).
5. Potential contributors are expected to provide their personal information, including name, employer, title, position, research interest(s), education background, postal and email address, contact number etc. We regret that submissions cannot be returned; please notify the Editorial Board as soon as possible if you are withdrawing an article.
6. Submissions are subject to double-blind peer review within two months of submission. Two free copies of the Journal will be offered to each author of accepted article.
7. Authors are kindly requested to submit their papers electronically by emailing to colr@xmu.edu.cn. Submissions should be in Microsoft Word format.
8. TheCOLRis abstracted and indexed in HeinOnline, Westlaw China, Airiti,CNKI, Cqvip, Duxiu, and Lawinfochina.com.
9. Submission of the piece implies that the authors have read, understood and agreed to the above statements.
COLR Editorial Board