Writing for speech is different from writing for print. To help your nextpresentation go well, check out these tips for writing speeches.
Know Your Audience. You’ve probably already heard the advice“knowyour audience”. You may need to adjust1 your voice and tone2. You don’t haveto imitate3 people. But do think about who the audience are and the purpose ofthe speech.
Keep It Short. But don’t cut yourself short. Do fill your time with relevant4material that will keep your audience interested.
Orient5 Your Listeners. A strong introduction is important whether you’rewriting or speaking. It will help your audience commit6 to your presentation if youstart by telling them why it’s important. Also, remember that your presentationbegins as soon as you take the stage. Don’t spend 10 minutes thanking everyone inthe room before you get to the meat of your piece. A brief thank-you is fine.
Keep Important Information at the Beginning of Your Sentences andFinish Strong. Keep your listeners hooked7 throughout your speech by crafting8your sentences in a way that grabs9 them at the beginning. To help your audiencewalk away satisfied, finish by reminding them of what they’ve learned and ifappropriate, what you want them to do next.
Write with a Conversational Tone. Most of us don’t write and speak thesame way, and that’s OK. But when preparing a speech or presentation, you shouldtry to write the way you speak. A few well-placed jokes can help you, but don’t usewords you wouldn’t normally use.
Practice and Polish. Whether you decide to read your talk, recite it, or speakfrom an outline, be sure to rehearse10.
Stop worrying. It’s scary to put your words out there for people to hear or say,but you can do it!
引導聽眾遙無論你是寫作還是演講,強有力的開場白都很重要。如果你一開始就告訴聽眾為什么你的演講很重要,這將有助于聽眾投入到你的演講中。此外,請記住,你的演講從你一上臺的時候就開始了。不要花10 分鐘來感謝在場的每一個人,然后才進入主題。簡短的感謝就可以了。