When you’re tense1, clearing your mind isn’t so easy! Try the following tips, ifyour brain can’t work well because of too much information.
1 Set aside2 at least five minutes for quiet“clearing”time
If you’re at school, see if you can put your head down somewhere or find anempty room or a quiet place. If necessary, set a watch (or phone) alarm or ask afriend to wake you up at a set time.
2 Think of a time or place that makes you feel most peaceful3
This place will be different for different people. Have you ever sat on the beachwatching the waves4 come in and found you’ve“zoned out5”for a while? This is the experience6 you’re looking for. Other experiences that make us zone out could be:Sitting under a tree at night and staring at the stars in the sky—remember how quietand peaceful that feels? Lying in bed late at night listening to good music; lying onyour back on a cool day watching clouds passing by.
3 Cover your eyes and go to your ”place“?
If you are at school preparing for a test before class, you may simply rest your elbows7 on the desk and put your hands over your eyes. For some people, it maynot be a good idea to put your head down. You might fall asleep.
Use all your senses8 to make your experience real. If you are thinking of thestars in the sky, imagine9 the smell of the flowers, trees and grass and the look ofthe shining stars.
Keep any other thoughts out of your head. As soon as you start to think abouta test problem, clear away the thought and concentrate10 on your peaceful place.
Don’t sleep! Remember, it is to clear your mind. After five or ten minutes ofclearing time, take a fast walk or take a drink of water. Stay relaxed for a minuteand then go on with your study.