For many years, scientists thought trees live on their own. Each tree in the forestwas trying to get light, water, and nutrients1. But scientists find that trees may worktogether—with the help of fungi2.
Fungi are small living things. They are not plants or animals, but break downdecaying3 matter and use it for food. In forests, fungi connect4 trees throughunderground networks5. Trees’roots6 grow out in all ways. The same soil is home tofungi, which can grow on and around tree roots. The fungi make webs between treesknown as mycorrhizal7 networks.
In these networks, scientists think the trees and the fungi help one another. Thetrees give sugars made during photosynthesis8 to the fungi. The fungi get mineral9nutrients from the soil. They share them with the tree.
The fungi in a mycorrhizal network connect the trees together. Trees can sharesugars, nutrients, and water with one another. For example, if a small tree is growingin a shaded10 area, it may not get enough sunlight for photosynthesis. However, largertrees growing around it can send sugar to the young trees through the fungi. If a treeis dying, it might give its nutrients to the healthy trees growing around it.
Some plants will use the networks to take nutrients from their neighbors. Treesalso send messages by mycorrhizal networks. Networks can even connect differentkinds of plants. For example, fungi might connect a tree to a flower. Scientists thinkmycorrhizal networks are important for healthy forests. While the fungi are meetingtheir own needs, they are also helping trees to stay healthy.