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The Silent Traveller in Dublin都柏林的靜默行者

2023-06-20 16:30:58蔣彝羅懷宇/譯介
英語世界 2023年6期

蔣彝 羅懷宇/譯介

【導讀】蔣彝先生(1903—1977)一生極富傳奇色彩。他曾于上世紀二三十年代在國內(nèi)執(zhí)教、從戎、出仕。而立之年,自費赴英游學,先后任教于英國的倫敦大學東方學院和美國的哥倫比亞大學、哈佛大學等。他曾自號“The Silent Traveller”,撰寫了一系列英文游記,在英語世界的游記文學中享有盛譽。蔣彝先生才高德馨,畢生以在國際間傳播弘揚中華文化為己任,晚年葉落歸根,回到中國。2019年6月,牛津南荒原路(Southmoor Road)28號立起一塊“藍色牌匾”(Blue Plaque),以紀念他對中英兩國文化的貢獻,這使他成為繼老舍、孫中山之后第三個獲此殊榮的華人。

The Silent Traveller in Dublin是1953年在倫敦出版的一部游記,封面有蔣彝先生本人題寫的“都百靈畫記”字樣。作為選篇標題,譯者并未采用“都百靈畫記”或“都柏林畫記”的譯法,也沒有將“The Silent Traveller”譯為“啞行者”(蔣彝先生字仲雅,又作重啞,筆名啞行者),而是譯為“都柏林的靜默行者”,目的是為了更恰當?shù)嘏c選篇的內(nèi)容和氣質相匹配。


“An old lady,” wrote a correspondent of the Dublin Evening Mail, “who lives alone on a very minute income, lost a goldfinch some months ago. She was very fond of it, and still misses its company. I wonder if anyone would be kind enough to give her one to replace it? She has a cage…” Someone, I recalled, had told me that there is a bird market in Dublin, open only at week-ends, situated somewhere in the old part of the city. Immediately I decided to visit it. But I had better confess that my motive was not to buy a goldfinch for the old lady, or even for myself; her wish would doubtless be fulfilled by one of her compatriots: I am but a silent traveler.


In China the love of birds is innate, and there is a bird market in almost every city or large town. The Chinese love birds as the British love horses and dogs. Not that the British do not love birds, but it is a different kind of affection, one which seldom lends them to buy birds to keep as pets; and on the overcast Saturday morning my chief difficulty, I perceived, was going to be to find the Dublin bird market at all. Neither my host nor my hostess knew where it was. The maid suggested that it must be near Bride Street, but as she had never been there she could not be certain. I decided to follow this clue, and set off.


As I approached St Stephens Green I noticed that the morning mist had fused the leaves and twigs of the trees which line the boundaries of the Green in a mysterious pale green mass. Between the trunks and railings, red and yellow dots of flowers appeared, but the much-too-grey sky did not allow the sun to touch them to gaiety. They wore a wan rather than a brilliant smile. Dublin is no great distance from London, and its climate, and therefore its light, cannot be very different. Yet Dublin buildings look cleaner and brighter than Londons, even on a dull morning, chiefly perhaps because they are not shadowed with soot.


Presently I came into York Street, where my feet, as on former occasions when I had walked there, refused to carry me quickly. The elegant if not always well-preserved doorways of the houses on one side of the street made me dawdle. There are many attractions in Dublin, but I found the variety of doorways all over the city appealed to me more than anything. It is said that Dublin has more Georgian houses than any other city in the British Isles. A friend of mine who lives in Bath disputes this, and I know no way of resolving this point; I am no student of architecture and can discuss neither the number of Georgian buildings nor the merits of their style. I will only make the comment that to me it seems that the Georgian architects were the pioneers of town-planning. Before the eighteenth century no one planned streets. Houses, mansions, churches, yes: but not streets. There is a lot to be said for the neatness and order of some parts of Dublin. The doorways along York Street, however, varied though they are, have not been uniformly kept in condition. How so many of them came to lose their distinction I do not know. Many doors stood wide open and I wanted to look inside, but when, having selected one house, I set foot on the step, I was driven away again by the formidable chatter and laughter of some women leaning on the railing. One of them was holding a baby, whose crying did not interrupt her gossip, and I could not bring myself to interrupt it either.


I moved on into Aungier Street, where I enquired for Bride Street. An elderly gentleman whose red face and white hair suggested liveliness and good humour answered me jovially: “Oi doant know what yre going to Bride Street for—there is no bride for ye, young man. But just look at that house! Its the house where the Irish poet and song-writer Thomas Moore was born in 1779. He wrote and published his first sonnet in his fourteenth year, addressed to his schoolmaster, Mr Samuel White. His book Irish Melodies is very well known. Ave coorse, ye may know it already. Oi thought Id tell ye. Bride Street? Ah, ha. Ye just walk along this street towards the east and then turn to the right, pass through to the end and there ye will find Bride Street. Oho, ‘Bless the Bride. Goodbye. Good marnin….” Many people have helped me to find my way during my silent travels, but none have been so humorously amiable as this one.


Following his direction, I presently found myself in Bride Street. It appeared to be a purely residential quarter. Not a single shop could I see. Wherever could be bird market lie? Hardly anyone was about—just one elderly woman trying to carry a big dustbin into a house. There were no elegant Georgian doorways, but the street was clean and quiet. I trotted on, looking vaguely from side to side. At the corner of the Upper Kevin Street a man lurched out of a building which the strong scent from his nostrils identified as a public-house. Another man, with a pipe, stood idly by the kerb. He knew what I was after and directed me to one of a row of small houses on the other side of Bride Street. I crossed and entered the wrong house. It was rather dark and there was a spiral staircase against the wall not unlike an Edinburgh close. While I paused, baffled, my informant reappeared and conducted me to the right place.


I found myself outside a house very similar to the one I had entered by mistake. But there was no staircase inside, only a narrow corridor blocked with people. A boy shook a box at me and said: “Penny for admission.” I dropped a coin in the box and was allowed to pass through the corridor into a small courtyard. It was oblong in shape and big enough for more than twenty of us to stand in it though at pretty close quarters. There was only one woman in the little crowd, but many boys and girls. My flat face caused a stir and I felt that all eyes were turned on me. One elderly fellow with a shock of white hair and a massive moustache remained unmoved; he was too interested in a healthy-looking male chaffinch in one of the seven cages hanging along the high wall on one side of the courtyard. He smiled, laughed and even made a faint noise as if joyously whispering some words to the bird. Presently the interest in my face waned and attention was once more turned upon the activities of the birds in the cages. The old folk were the most excited. The birds consisted of three chaffinches, two goldfinches, five canaries and two blackbirds. Of the crowd, I could not distinguish which were buyers and which sellers. It seemed to me to be a cage-bird show rather than a market. Then I overheard two men discussing the price of a chaffinch and a goldfinch. I had not known that chaffinches and goldfinches were ever kept as cage-birds. Doubtless their beautiful plumage is the reason. The attention of a few of the younger spectators was not fixed continuously on the birds: first furtively, then openly, they were staring at me, as if I were a bird. The thought of being a bird appealed to me and I giggled. Then youngsters responded with broad laughter, in which the elder folk joined. It was a delightful moment.



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