The Mystery1 of the Cyber2 Friend
Shree loves leaming new things on the computer. It has games and it has social media sites3! She is excited to make a new friend on one such site. But is this friend lying to her? Find out for yourselfin this story.
Cooking began 600,000 years earlier than we thought
People may have started using fire to cook food 600,000 years before. Scientistsfind that people used fire to cook fish 770,000 years ago. Until this new discovery4, itis thought that people started cooking about 170,000 years ago.
Fisherman catches giants goldfish
A British fisherman has caught one of the world's biggest goldfish. The big fish is known as “The Carrot”. It weighed 30 kg, which is about the same weight as the average6 9 year-old!