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2023-07-10 08:15孟坤崔春義許成順姚怡亦辛宇梁志孟
振動工程學報 2023年2期

孟坤 崔春義 許成順 姚怡亦 辛宇 梁志孟

摘要 為合理考慮浮承樁縱向振動問題中樁端土作用及樁?土界面相對位移條件,同時引入動力Winkler模型和虛土樁模型,建立了一種適用性更廣的浮承樁縱向振動特性研究方法。引入分離變量法對三維土體位移控制方程進行求解,結合土體表面及基巖處邊界條件得到三維土體位移基本解;通過將動力Winkler模型相關參數(shù)考慮為樁?土界面邊界條件在頻域內解析求解了樁縱向振動特性,并將所得頻域解析解拓展到時域,采用離散傅里葉逆變換方法(IFT)求解了樁頂速度時域響應;開展參數(shù)化分析探討了樁?土界面非完全粘結條件及虛土樁參數(shù)對浮承樁動力響應的影響,計算結果表明:樁?土界面完全耦合假定會過高估計樁側土對樁的約束作用,無法合理評估樁基的抗振性能,并會對樁基抗振防振設計及樁底反射信號識別產(chǎn)生不利影響;另外,針對浮承樁縱向振動問題,采用虛土樁模型描述其樁底土作用具有合理性和必要性。

關鍵詞 樁底土; 虛土樁; 樁?土相對滑移; 動力阻抗; 解析解

引 言



上述針對樁?土縱向動力相互作用問題的研究均基于界面完全耦合假定,即忽略樁?土間的相對滑移。然而當樁頂激振作用較強時樁?土界面會產(chǎn)生明顯的相對位移,該現(xiàn)象對于浮承樁更加顯著,此時仍采用該假定將會引起不可避免的誤差[21]。因此,如何合理考慮樁?土界面效應,對于樁?土縱向振動問題而言尤為重要。Nogami等[22?23]和EI Naggar等[24]最早提出了包括遠場和近場兩部分的動力Winkler模型,其中遠場模型模擬樁側土作用,近場模型則描述樁?土間的相對滑移,推導得出了樁?土動力相互作用的時域解。欒茂田等[25]則基于三維連續(xù)介質模型考慮樁側土波動效應,并采用動力Winkler模型模擬樁?土界面非完全粘結,不考慮樁底邊界條件,解析求解了樁縱向振動問題。在此基礎上,李強等[26?27]分別將樁底考慮為固定和黏彈性支撐,對非完全粘結條件下樁的縱向振動特性進行了求解。


1 力學模型與定解問題

1.1 力學模型

基于樁側土三維連續(xù)介質、樁底土虛土樁(Fictitious Soil Pile, FSP)模型和樁?土界面動力Winkler模型建立的簡化力學模型如圖1所示。圖中H為基巖上土層總厚度,HP和HFSP分別為樁側土(樁長)和樁底土(虛土樁樁長)厚度,樁頂作用激振力q(t),r0為樁徑,τ1(z,t)和τ2(z,t)分別為相應位置處的剪應力。


(1) 土體為均質黏彈性介質,樁側土與樁底土相互作用以彈簧和阻尼器并聯(lián)元件模擬,其中彈簧剛度系數(shù)為kS,阻尼系數(shù)為cS;

(2) 樁側土表面無應力,樁底土底部固定;


(4) 實體樁和虛土樁為均質等截面黏彈性Euler?Bernoulli桿,僅適用于長徑比大于5的細長樁,實體樁和虛土樁界面完全耦合;


1.2 定解問題


3.1 合理性驗證


3.2 樁?土界面非完全粘結條件對樁動力響應的影響分析



3.3 虛土樁參數(shù)對樁動力響應的影響分析


4 結 論


(1) 針對存在明顯樁?土相對滑移的浮承樁縱向振動問題,若采用樁?土界面耦合假定會高估樁側土的約束效應,無法合理評估樁基的抗振性能,并會對樁基抗振防振設計產(chǎn)生不利影響。

(2) 樁?土界面約束越強,波在傳播過程中的耗能也就越多,這種規(guī)律在樁頂動力響應上就表現(xiàn)為:樁頂速度頻響振幅及樁底速度反射信號幅值均隨著樁?土界面動力Winkle模型的剛度和阻尼系數(shù)的增加而減小。該現(xiàn)象表明,在對樁頂動力響應進行分析時,采用樁?土界面完全耦合假定會對樁底反射信號的識別產(chǎn)生不利影響。

(3) 基于樁端固定模型與虛土樁模型所得樁動力響應解均呈現(xiàn)出典型的端承樁與浮承樁振動特性的差異,說明了采用虛土樁模型描述浮承樁樁底土體的合理性與必要性。此外,樁底土層厚度達到一倍樁徑后再繼續(xù)增加,其對樁縱向振動特性的影響則可忽略。


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Vertical vibration characteristics for floating pile considering the incomplete bonding condition of pile-soil and the wave propagation effect of soil beneath pile

MENG Kun 1,2 ?CUI Chun-yi 1 ?XU Cheng-shun 3Yao Yi-yi 1Xin Yu 1LIANG Zhi-meng 1

1. Department of Civil Engineering, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, China;

2. College of Transportation, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China;

3. Key Laboratory of Urban Security and Disaster Engineering of Ministry of Education, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China

Abstract Based on dynamic Winkler model and fictitious soil pile model to consider the relative sliding at pile-soil interface and the propagation effect of soil beneath pile toe, respectively, the dynamic interaction system for a floating pile with incomplete bonding condition embedded in three-dimensional continuum is established. The separation variable method is introduced to solve the three-dimensional soil displacement control equation. Combined with the boundary conditions of soil surface and bedrock, the general solution of soil displacement is obtained. Considering the relevant parameters of the dynamic Winkler model as the boundary condition of the pile-soil interface, the longitudinal vibration characteristics of the pile are solved analytically in the frequency domain, and the obtained frequency domain analytical solution is extended to the time domain. The time domain response of the velocity is solved by using the inverse Fourier transform (IFT). Extensive parametric analyses are performed to investigate the effects of incomplete bonding condition at pile-soil interface and parameters of fictitious soil pile. The results show that the assumption of complete coupling of pile-soil interface may overestimate the restraint effect of pile surrounding soil on pile, which has an adverse impact on the anti-vibration design of pile foundation and the identification for reflected signal of pile toe. In addition, for the longitudinal vibration of floating bearing pile, it is reasonable and necessary to use the fictitious soil pile model to describe the soil action under the pile.

Keywords soil beneath pile toe; fictitious soil pile; relative sliding at the pile-soil interface; dynamic impedance; analytical solution

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