At a South African nature preserve where Miya Warrington, a conservation ecologist at the University of Manitoba in Canada, and her colleagues study Cape ground squirrels, the maximum daily temperature has increased by about 2.5°C in just 18 years. The animals have evolved a quiver of tactics to tolerate the regions sweltering heat, says Warrington.
Sprawling flat on the ground in a pose called splooting helps the animals shed heat from their less furry undersides. The squirrels take shady respites under their bushy tails, which they curl above their heads like tiny parasols. When its really hot, the fossorial mammals retreat to their burrows to cool off. But Warrington warns that, even with all these options for keeping cool, “still they could be at the limits of their tolerance” due to the climatic shift.
That intense pressure could be why their bodies have begun to change shape, Warrington says. She found that, over the course of just under two decades, the squirrels already incredibly large hind feet have grown. Meanwhile, their spine lengths have become ?shorter.
And the Cape ground squirrel isnt the only animal that appears to be shape-shifting in response to climate change. As scientists accumulate more evidence that many species bodies are undergoing subtle changes over a relatively short period of time, it remains unclear whether their adaptations can keep ahead of spiking temperatures—and how close they may be to a breaking point.
Youngflesh, an ecologist who is not involved in the study, sought to determine whether bird body sizes shrank temporally as climate change has driven hotter weather in areas throughout North America. “To record this change in so many species over such a short period really suggests that there is something global affecting all these birds—and climate change is what makes sense,” he says.
Word Bank
evolve /i'v?lv/ v. 進化
The three species evolved from a single ancestor.
retreat /r?'tri?t/ v. 逃避;躲避
subtle /'s?tl/ adj. 不明顯的;微妙的
shrink /?r??k/ v.(使)縮小