Alice Giddings
We’re constantly told how important agood sleep is for our well?being, but forwhatever reason—work stresses, or other?wise—it’s sometimes a bit of a challengeto get your full eight hours in. Well, a newhotel is taking the meaning of“ deep sleep”to a whole other level, offering the chanceto spend the night 419 meters underground.
Deep Sleep in Snowdonia, Wales,invites guests to snooze under a Welshmountain in the largest abandoned Vic?torian slate mine (板巖礦山) in the world,making it the deepest underground bedthere. The hotel has four private twin?bedcabins, with basic single beds, a table anda lamp. There’s also a romantic rock grottoavailable with a double bed and fairy?likelanterns.
As nice as this all sounds, if you’relooking for a relaxing getaway (短假), youmight want to look elsewhere. Guests willneed to endure a 45?minute mountain walkwith a guide, before wearing a helmet andharnesses ( 安全帶) to descend into themine, encountering crumbling bridges andold miner stairs.
After all of that, guests will be rewar?ded with an expedition?style meal beforebed and will be woken with a cup of coffeethe following morning before heading backup to Earth. An instructor and anothermember of staff will also be sleeping in thehotel for the night, so you wont ever haveto worry about being left alone.
Operations manager Mike Morrissaid,“ Guests who have stayed there wouldabsolutely love it. They like its uniquenessand the sense of being away from civiliza?tion.”
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