Reflections and Prospects on the Development of Confucius Institutes
Q:Professor Lu, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule.Could you rst give us an overview of the development of ConfuciusInstitutes?
Lu: I’ve always had a keen interest in internationalChinese education, and I closely follow its progress. Tothe best of my knowledge, the rst Confucius Institutewas set up in South Korea back in November 2004.Since then, up until December 2019, a total of 550Confucius Institutes and 1,172 Confucius Classroomsin primary and secondary schools have been successfullyestablished across 162 countries and regions.Additionally, from July 2020 to July 2021, seven newinstitutes were introduced, bringing the overall countto 557. These Confucius Institutes have significantlycontributed to the promotion of Chinese languageand culture worldwide. However, it is important toacknowledge that certain institutes have faced closurefor various reasons. This requires introspection on ourpart to further enhance the development of ConfuciusInstitutes.
Q:What do you believe are the primary responsibilitiesinvolved in setting up andadvancing Confucius Institutes in the newera, particularly now that they are not operatedby the government?
Lu: Previously, the mandate of Confucius Institutesencompassed various tasks, such as conducting Chineselanguage instruction, training Chinese languageeducators, providing resources for Chinese languageteaching, organizing Chinese language exams and certi cation for teachers, o ering information and consultationon Chinese education and culture, and fosteringcultural and linguistic exchanges between China andthe wider world. In my view, while retaining “organizingof Chinese language exams and certification forteachers”, Confucius Institutes should focus on threekey areas: training local Chinese language instructors,assisting the host country in enhancing Chinese languageeducation, and promoting cultural exchangesbetween the host country and China. Whether to make“Chinese language teaching” a mandatory obligationfor Confucius Institutes, however, requires in-depthdiscussion.
Q:Could you please provide specific insights on training local teachers?
Lu: One of the crucial responsibilities of ConfuciusInstitutes is to focus on the development oflocal Chinese language teachers who possess a deepunderstanding of Chinese culture, are proficientin teaching Chinese, and actively promote culturalexchanges. It’s worth noting that when it comes to internationalChinese language education, the primaryrole of teaching should be entrusted to local Chineselanguage teachers. This not only benefits the hostcountries but also bene ts China.
Lu: For host countries, this provides severalkey advantages. Firstly, it facilitates enhancedcommunication and exchanges with China, as theseteachers can act as bridges and links between thetwo countries. Secondly, it contributes to a morecomprehensive and profound understanding of Chinaand its culture. Political leaders and individualsseeking a comprehensive understanding of China andits culture mainly rely on Sinologists and Chineselanguage teachers who possess knowledge of China’snational conditions. Additionally, translations ofclassic works, including literary and lm productions,also aid in this understanding. Lastly, this approachpromotes the development of Chinese languageeducation within these countries. The continuousdevelopment of Chinese language education is crucialfor fostering friendly relations between China and therest of the world, and it heavily relies on the e orts oflocal Chinese language teachers.
Lu: This bene ts China as well. The growing numberof Chinese teaching staff signifies the successfulimplementation of Chinese language education ina country. Undoubtedly, this contributes to China’scomprehensive communication and cooperation withother countries, ultimately advancing China’s own development.Moreover, due to cultural differences anddistinct way of thinking, local Chinese teachers possessa better understanding of students’ perspectives,priorities, and the di culties they face while learningChinese. They e ortlessly provide examples relevant tolocal customs and practices, which surpass the capabilitiesof volunteer Chinese teachers.
Lu: Furthermore, driven by their desire for personaland professional growth, local Chinese educatorswill be even more motivated to promote Chinese education.They play a crucial role and are indispensablefor the widespread adoption of Chinese teaching with-in their own country. Currently, Chinese educationis still in its early stages in most countries,necessitating a signi cant investment of time tocultivate a pool of skilled local Chinese teachingprofessionals. Until then, the selection ofChinese teachers must align with the requirementsof the host countries. Nonetheless, theChinese teachers dispatched from China shouldpossess exceptional quali cations and genuinelyplay a supportive and guiding role in teaching.To sum up, Confucius Institutes worldwide mustprioritize the training of local Chinese teachersas a paramount objective.
Q:So, what are the key factors to ensure the e ective training of local Chinese language teachers?
Lu: It is crucial to garner support from localeducational institutions. There are three mainaspects to consider in this regard. Firstly, it is imperativeto o er comprehensive training courses.Secondly, Confucius Institutes should regularlyorganize workshops aimed at enhancing thecompetence and skills of local Chinese languageteachers. Thirdly, it is vital to provide assistance,including nancial support, to local educationalinstitutions in hosting symposiums on Chineselanguage teaching on a regular or ad hoc basis.However, it is crucial to avoid treating these activitiesas mere formalities and instead prioritizetheir practical effectiveness.
Q:How do you think we can effectively assist a host country in promoting Chinese education?
Lu: It’s important for us to actively support the hostcountries in improving Chinese language education andcultivating the specific types of Chinese talents they need.This responsibility also lies with Confucius Institutes. It’simportant for Confucius Institutes to genuinely care aboutand deeply understand all aspects of Chinese education inthe host country, including both its governmental and nongovernmentalsectors.
Lu: When Chinese education has gained traction in a hostcountry, it is crucial to handle relationships appropriately.This involves two key aspects: building strong connectionswith educational institutions in the host country andfostering positive relationships with local ethnic Chinesewho are involved in teaching Chinese language. To e ectivelyaccomplish these goals, it is essential to dispatch experiencedand highly skilled Chinese language teachers who can guideand support local Chinese language education.
Lu: To effectively assist the host country in promotingChinese education, I believe there are three areas that can befocused on. Firstly, e orts should be made to provide trainingfor Chinese language teachers currently working in the eld.Secondly, resources needed for Chinese education institutions,be they governmental or non-governmental, should be madeavailable. And thirdly, collaboration should be encouraged inthe development of localized Chinese textbooks that are bothengaging for students and useful for teachers.
Q:What strategies do you suggest for providing on-the-job training to Chinese teachers?
Lu: How should we organize Chinese teachertraining courses? First of all, it is important to establishthree foundations for Chinese teachers — knowledge,skills, and psychological qualities. Knowledge is crucial,particularly in the areas of Chinese linguistics andChinese culture. Among the two, a solid foundationin Chinese linguistics is more important because itserves as the basis for Chinese teachers to acquireknowledge of Chinese culture. Skills includes teachingskills and research abilities. Currently, there is agreater emphasis on improving teaching skills, whichis certainly necessary, but research abilities are alsoextremely important. Why is that? Well, during theprocess of Chinese education, teachers may encounterchallenges of different sorts. The difficulties may lie inpronunciation, writing, vocabulary, grammar, usage,composition, and so on. For example:
Is 陽光 in the phrase 很陽光 still functioning as a noun, or has it transformed into an adjective?Why is that?
Lu: There isn’t a ready-made answer to this typeof question. In many cases, it requires teachers themselvesto engage in critical thinking and conduct research.Therefore, local Chinese teachers should possessresearch abilities in the Chinese language. Doingresearch can yield significant benefits, not only bygenerating research ndings but also by continuouslyenriching teaching materials.
Lu: In terms of psychological attributes, localChinese language teachers should possess two keyqualities. Firstly, they should demonstrate a strongsense of responsibility, compassion, and integrity.Secondly, they should have excellent interpersonalskills. These attributes will greatly contribute to thequality and e ectiveness of their instruction.
Lu: The primary objective of workshops is to enhanceand reinforce these three competences. Whenorganizing such workshops, it is crucial to create ameticulously designed program. This involves determiningthe session count, the suitable capacity ofChinese language teachers for each session, the speci ctraining topics for each session, selecting the appropriateindividuals to deliver lectures, and establishingthe prerequisites for participants’ involvement.
Lu: It is worth emphasizing that the selection ofparticipants should be a collaborative e ort betweenthe Confucius Institute and the foreign institutions.Additionally, the workshop should be inclusive,allowing personnel from Chinese language traininginstitutions and educational establishments in thehost country to participate as well.
Lu: The workshops must incorporate opportunitiesfor teachers to engage in exchanges and discussionsabout Chinese language teaching among themselves.
Lu: Following the conclusion of each workshop,it is essential to conduct a comprehensive review andevaluation.
Q:Earlier, you mentioned three tasks thatrequire special attention. The final one is toeffectively promote cultural and educationalexchanges between China and the hostcountry. Could you please provide a briefexplanation of this matter?
Lu: Cultural exchange is not only a crucial catalystfor global cultural growth, but also a key element infostering cultural diversity. It embodies a two-foldnature — inescapability and reciprocation. This binaryaspect is an intrinsic part of the evolving nature ofculture, and manifests in two aspects. On one hand,when viewed from a longitudinal perspective, culture isa dynamic entity, shaped by shi ing perceptions of theself and the world around us. Thus, culture representsthe accumulation of humanity’s social history, exhibitingthe traits of historical continuity and progression.Every race and country carry the indelible marks ofhistory within their cultures. On the other hand, froma horizontal perspective, culture is influenced by bothrace and region. It’s this innate interplay among variousraces and countries that sparks cultural exchange.Therefore, it’s safe to say that the spread of culture is an“inevitability”. Every race and country have an inherentdesire to share their culture with others, hoping formutual understanding, acceptance, and even for theassimilation and absorption of their cultural elementsby others. At the same time, each race or country seeksto understand and draw from other cultures, which inturn, enriches their own culture.
Lu: Therefore, while Confucius Institutes start fromlanguage teaching, it is essential to prioritize culturalexchanges in their work.