The just-finished three-day Tomb-Sweep-ing Day holiday, which started on Thursday,saw a tourism boom both in traveler numbersand tourism-related revenues.
According to the latest release by the Min-istry of Culture and Tourism on Saturday eve-ning, domestic destinations nationwide re-ceived about 119 million visits during the holi-day, up 11.5 percent from that in 2019 — thetime before the epidemic hit. The holiday onlyhad one day off last year and saw around 23.77million domestic travels.
The travel boom this year, generated atourism- related consumption of about 54 bil-lion yuan ($7.47 billion) over the holiday, withthe number marking a rise of 12.7 percent com-pared with that in 2019, the ministry said.
Spring outings, both to domestic attrac-tions and overseas destinations, saw a remark-able increase during the holiday. Figures fromthe ministry show that the Chinese mainlandsaw 1.04 million inbound trips and 992,000heading to overseas destinations.
Some less-known tourism places, such asZibo in the eastern province of Shandong, fa-mous for its barbecue, and Kaifeng in China’scentral Henan province, have become viral des-tinations over the holiday because of their deli-cious cuisines, cultural charms and entertainingevents, said the ministry.
文化和旅游部6日晚公布數(shù)據(jù)顯示,清明假期3天全國國內(nèi)旅游出游1.19億人次,按可比口徑較 2019 年(疫情前)同期增長11.5%。2023年清明節(jié)假期(一天),全國國內(nèi)旅游出游約2377萬人次。