The traditional Chinese solar calendar di-vides the year into 24 solar terms. Clear andBright,the 5th solar term,starts this year onApr 4 and ends onApr 18.
Of all the 24 solar terms,Clear and Brightis the only one whose first day is also a tradi-tional Chinese festival,Qingming Festival orTomb- Sweeping Day. The words“clear”and“bright”describe the weather during this peri-od. Temperatures begin to rise and rainfall in-creases,making it a crucial time for plowingand sowing in the spring.
Here are 8 things you may not know aboutClear and Bright.
Clear and Bright is a period in whichChinese people honor nature and the ancestorsof the Chinese nation. The worship of natureand ancestors can be traced to ancient times,and still matters a lot in modern society.
Cleaning the tombs and paying respect tothe dead with offerings are the two importantpractices to remember late relatives. Weedsaround the tomb are cleared away and fresh soilis added to show care for the dead.
The dead person’s favorite food,wineand chopsticks are offered on their tombs,along with paper money. These sacrifices areall burned in the hope that the deceased will notlack food and money in the afterlife.
Willow Branches
Legend has it that Clear and Bright is oneof three periods during the year in which ghostscome closest to the world of living men. Bud- dhists believe that willow branches will driveaway unwelcome ghosts and evil spirits. There-fore,willow branches are also known as“ghostterror wood”.
Folk proverbs also dictate customs. Oneproverb states that if a young lady does notwear a willow branch during the Clear andBright period,she will soon turn old. Anothersays:“If one does not wear a willow,he willbecome a yellow dog after he dies and is rein-carnated.”
Spring Outings
Not only is it a period for commemoratingthe dead,it is also time for people to go outand enjoy nature.
As trees turn green,flowers blossom,andthe sun shines brightly,everything returns tolife. It is a fine time to appreciate the beauty ofnature. This custom can be traced back to theSpring and Autumn Period(770—476BC)andWarring States Period(475—221BC).
Strolling outside in spring adds joy to lifeand promotes a healthy body and mind.
Flying Kites
Flying kites is an activity favored by manyChinese during Tomb-Sweeping Day. Kites arenot only flown during the day time but also inthe evening. Little lanterns are tied to the kiteor to the kite string. And when the kites are fly-ing in the sky,the lanterns look like twinklingstars at night. What makes flying kites duringthis day special is that people cut the stringwhile the kite is in the sky to let it fly free. It issaid this brings good luck and that diseases canbe chased away by doing this.
Cold Food Festival
The Cold Food Festival or Hanshi Festivalis a traditional Chinese holiday celebrated forone day before Tomb-Sweeping Day. On thatday,making fire is taboo and only cold food is available.
Cuju is an interesting game played duringthis period. Ju is a ball made of leather withhairs plugged in it. Legend has it that the Yel-low Emperor first invented it for training war-riors. Later,Cu Ju was used by people to buildup their bodies when they were unable to eathot food during the Cold Food Festival.
Eating Eggs
In many parts of China,eating eggs dur-ing Tomb-Sweeping Day is as important as eat-ing moon cakes at Mid-Autumn Festival. TheChinese folk belief is that eating an egg onTomb-Sweeping Day will bring good health allyear. In China,this custom has lasted for thou-sands of years.
The origin of eating eggs dates back to“Shangsi Jie”(a traditional Chinese festival).In ancient times,women who want to have ba-bies after marriage often colored boiled eggswith different colors and put them into the riv-er,and people living in the lower reaches ofthe river picked the eggs up and ate them. Itwas said that the more eggs were eaten,thegreater the chance the woman will get preg-nant. Today,people believe that eating eggs onTomb-Sweeping Day will bring success.
Feasting on Qingtuan
In the lower reaches of the Yangtze Riverregion,qingtuan or green cake is very popularsnack on Tomb-Sweeping Day. Qingtuan is akind of round green cake. In order to make thecakes,people mash barnyard grass to squeezejuice from it and mix the flour and juice to apaste. Then they inject black bean filling intothe paste and steam them. Pretty and delicate,Qingtuan have a mellow taste and special fla-vor. Qingtuan are also sacrificed to ancestorson Tomb-Sweeping Day.
在二十四節(jié)氣中,只有清明節(jié)氣的第一天也是中國的傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日 — —清明節(jié)。 “清”和“明”是對這一時期天氣的描述。氣溫開始回升,降雨增多,是春耕春播的關鍵時期。
民間諺語也體現(xiàn)出節(jié)日習俗。比如,“清明不插柳,紅顏變皓首” “清明不插柳,死后變黃狗”。