光污染正讓天空“暗淡 ”
Most stars are invisible against the overhead glare from city lights. At best, there is only a hint of the Milky Way to see: the combined radiance of a hundred billion stars dims to near nothingness by bright streetlamps and storefronts.
This is light pollution—human-generated lights cast up into the heavens—causing the sky itself to glow and washing out the stars. Astronomers have known for years the situation is bad for stargazing, and it also has real and negative effects on the well-being of many living things—plants, animals and even human beings. More than 80 percent of humanity is affected by light pollution, their view of the skies being stolen away.
Christopher Kyba, the light-pollution researcher of the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences, and his team examined an astonishing amount of data from more than 50,000 citizen scientists from around the world who sampled their local sky brightness from 2011 to 2022. While there was considerable place-to-place variability—for example, on average, Europe saw a 6.5 percent increase in light pollution per year, while North America saw a 10.4 percent increase—the researchers found that globally, light pollution increased by 9.6 percent per year over the time period.
This may not sound like much, but a year-over-year growth of about 10 percent means sky brightness is doubling about every seven years. A moment’s thought should make clear why this is deeply troubling.
As Kyba and his co-authors explained in their paper, published in the journal Science, if there are 250 visible stars in the sky when someone is born, by the time they’re 18 they’ll see only 100, and over that same period the sky will have increased in brightness by more than a factor of four.
All this extra light at night has a large effect on the life under it. Researchers have shown that it has negative impacts on many animals and plants; light pollution disrupts the great migrations of birds, the delicate blossoming of flowers, and even the luminous courtship of fireflies, to name just a few examples. It affects humans as well, possibly causing insomnia among many other health problems.
So what can we do about our brightening skies? There is a lot already happening. Groups like the International Dark Sky Association, advocate not for more lighting but for more intelligent lighting; smarter street lights that concentrate their light downward are one example. Because these lights offer more efficient light, they save energy, too, eventually paying for themselves. At the moment, simple awareness is one of our greatest benefits. Turning off your own outdoor lighting at night might not seem like a big deal, but if you tell others, that helps. Awareness grows.
Many people don’t even know that they—and their descendants—are losing this cosmic experience just over their heads. We need the dark night sky, and it’s up to all of us to make sure it’s still there every time the sun goes down.
Word Bank
dim /d?m/ v. 變暗淡;變昏暗
disrupt /d?s'r?pt/ v. 擾亂;打斷
descendant /d?'send?nt/ n. 后代;子孫
cosmic /'k?zm?k/ adj. 宇宙的