Siberian huskies are known for their wolfish good looks, but deep down, they’re all dogs. Here are 6 interesting facts about this beautiful northern breed.
1. Huskies are closely related to wolves.
The early Siberian crossing of local dogs with Arctic wolves produced huskies. Although the looks of huskies are very similar to wolves, their characters are not as steady as wolves, nor as fierce and aggressive as wolves.
2. Huskies are not great guard dogs.
Huskies are not suspicious of strangers. This can be charming, but it’s not a good candidate when you’re looking for a canine sentry.
3. Huskies have a lot to say.
Huskies are very expressive dogs. They make all kinds of noises, from typical dog barks to wolf-like howls.
4. Blue eyes make them different.
Huskies have distinctive blue eyes, compared to the brown or black eyes of other dog breeds. The reason why huskies have blue eyes is due to an unusual genetic change, which is called the “bovine eye gene”. This gene comes from animal breeds such as Arctic wolves and Arctic foxes that adapt to extremely cold environments. And the gene has a special “immune pigment” that not only helps dogs protect their retina in cold environments, but also promotes metabolism and physiological processes that adapt to extreme cold conditions. Not all huskies have blue eyes, though.
5. A lot of features help keep huskies warm.
Huskies have a thick double coat that has good heat insulation. Their almond-shaped eyes allow them to squint to keep out snow. Huskies will wrap their tails around their faces while they sleep; their breath warms the tail and keeps the nose and face protected from the cold.
6. Huskies don’t get tired.
Huskies often run long distances on very little food. When humans attempt this, we start to use our body’s glycogen and fat and eventually get tired. But huskies burn a lot of calories without ever tapping into these other energy stores—and they do this by regulating their metabolism.
Word Bank
breed /bri?d/ n. 品種;種類
fierce /f??s/ adj. 兇猛的;狂熱的
Two fierce eyes looked at them.
insulation /'?nsju'le??n/ n. 絕緣