Artificial intelligence1 (AI) is part of our everyday lives. Ask a chatbot2 aquestion, and it will generate3 a whole essay4. Some educators worry that chatbotscould prevent students from learning on their own. Should students use AI to dotheir homework? Let’s look at the opinions of foreign students.
“Artificial intelligence could revolutionize5 the way students learn. Many fearthat chatbots can be used as a cheating tool. But chatbots can be programmed toguide students through questions instead of giving them the answer. Nobody has tofall behind in class! AI is here to stay. Either you move with the times, or thetimes will move without you! ”
“Teaching kids how to use AI can prepare them for our technology-filled future.And it’s better that students learn about AI’s limitations6 now. I believe that aslong as it’s done well, teaching AI in schools will change society for the better.”
“Schoolwork should teach kids skills and develop their brains. This is why kidslearn how to do computation7, even though calculators8 have existed for a longtime. And it’s why schools teach spelling, when most adults write using computers.Kids’brains need to be exercised to develop.”
“We shouldn’t introduce it into schools, for a few reasons. First, teachers mightnot know how to best integrate9 them into their classes. Second, think of the cost toschools. Many wouldn’t be able to afford the latest technology, and that’s not fair tostudents. And most of all, AI lacks the humanity10 and emotion that kids get from ateacher.”
Discussion 議一議:
Do you think kids should use AI to do homework? And why? 你認為孩子應該使用AI 做作業(yè)嗎?為什么?
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