靖吉越 郭新送 朱福軍 楊志峰 范仲卿 張培蘋 劉祿 馬學文 高涵
摘??? 要:鈣是蘋果生長發(fā)育過程中必需的礦質元素之一,缺鈣會導致細胞代謝失調,引發(fā)蘋果苦痘病等生理病害,嚴重影響果實品質。蘋果主要通過根系在土壤中吸收鈣,根系吸收的鈣在蒸騰拉力的帶動下運往地上部,而蒸騰作用弱,導致蘋果果實易發(fā)生生理缺鈣。果實中的鈣含量與樹種、砧木類型等樹體因子和施肥、修剪等農技措施密切相關。綜述了蘋果苦痘病與鈣之間的關系、蘋果鈣吸收轉運、蘋果缺鈣機制和蘋果苦痘病防治的研究進展,以期為提高果樹鈣吸收能力,增加果實鈣含量預防蘋果苦痘病,促進果實生長及改善采后貯藏品質,減輕果農負擔,促進蘋果產業(yè)健康可持續(xù)發(fā)展提供理論依據(jù)及指導方法。
中圖分類號:S661.1?????????? 文獻標志碼:A??????????? 文章編號:1009-9980(2024)05-0990-09
收稿日期:2024-01-08??????? 接受日期:2024-03-11
*通信作者 Author for correspondence. Tel:0538-3529921,E-mail:guoxinsong1028@163.com
果 樹 學 報 2024,41(5): 990-998
Journal of Fruit Science
Research progress in the occurrence and control of bitter pit disorder in apple
JING Jiyue1, GUO Xinsong1*, ZHU Fujun1, YANG Zhifeng2, FAN Zhongqing1, ZHANG Peiping2, LIU Lu1, MA Xuewen1, GAO Han1
(1Key Laboratory of Humic Acid Fertilizer, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Shandong Agricultural University Fertilizer Science Tech. Co. Ltd., Taian 271600, Shandong, China; 2Yantai Agriculture and Rural Bureau, Yantai 264009, Shandong, China)
Abstract: The apple (Malus pumila) is a deciduous fruit crop of the Rosaceae family and one of the four most important fruit species in the world. China ranks first in the world in per capita consumption and exports of apples. The apple industry plays a key role in the national economy, but the apple fruit quality in China is poor and the proportion of high quality fruit is low. As we all know, calcium is one of the essential mineral elements in the process of apple growth and development, and it is an important component of the cell wall, which plays an important role in maintaining cell membrane homeostasis and intracellular signal transduction. Too high or low intracellular calcium ion concentrations have a negative effect on apples. Keeping intracellular calcium homeostasis plays an important role in plant growth and development and response to stress. The lack of calcium leads to disturbances in cell metabolism, causing apple bitter pit and other physiological disorders, which seriously affect the fruit quality. Apple bitter pit is a physiological disorder caused by calcium deficiency in fruit, manifested by the rupture of flesh cells and the formation of small, dark-coloured indentations. Apple bitter pit often occurs when fruit is close to ripening and during the time of storage, and is most common in the distal part of the fruit. In apple cell, low concentrations of intracellular calcium reduce the stability of cell walls, cell membranes and membrane-bound proteins, but high concentrations are also toxic to the cell, with high concentrations of calcium ion leading to the formation of phosphate precipitates that interfere with phosphate-based energy metabolism and compete with magnesium ions for enzyme binding sites. Ensuring intracellular calcium homeostasis is important for healthy growth of apple. Calcium homeostasis in the cytoplasm of apple involves a variety of calcium transporters and organelles, which form a complex regulatory network. Apple mainly absorbs calcium from the soil through the root and transports it to the above-ground part under the drive of transpiration pull. Since the transpiration of fruit is low, apple fruit is susceptible to physiological calcium deficiency. At the cellular level, apple mainly absorbs calcium ions through the apoplastic and symplastic pathways in the root vascular bundles, and the above-ground parts of plants can absorb calcium ion through non-vascular bundles. The root system absorbs and transports calcium ion through calcium channels, the superfamily of calcium ion/cation anti-transporters (CaCAs) and the P-type Ca2+-ATPase, which transports calcium ion in a chelated state through the xylem to the vigorously growing canopy, including young leaves, flowers, fruits and apical meristematic tissues. In general, apple peel calcium concentration is higher than flesh, and phloem calcium content is higher than xylem. In the early stages of apple fruit growth, calcium is evenly distributed throughout the fruit, but as the season progresses there are differences in concentration, with the highest calcium content in the peel, the lowest in the flesh, and the middle in the seed and centre of the fruit. Fruit calcium content is closely related to tree factors such as cultivar, rootstock type and agronomic practices like fertilization and pruning. The calcium content in fruit trees and the distribution of calcium in the fruit are largely controlled by genes, and different stion combinations also have significant effects on apple fruit calcium content. Calcium uptake by apple is also influenced by the balance of calcium with other mineral elements and total salinity. In addition, overgrowth of fruit trees and competition for calcium between branches and fruit lead to low calcium levels in fruit. External application of various types of calcium fertilizer can increase the calcium content in fruit, improve fruit quality and increase fruit shelf life. Although calcium plays an extremely important role in preventing bitter pit in apples, a single calcium deficiency may not the key factor in triggering apple bitter pit. Compared to healthy fruit, symptomatic fruit has lower levels of calcium and boron, while the opposite is true for nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium; the lower the calcium content in the fruit, the higher the magnesium and potassium content, and the more severe the apple bitter pit disorder. The improvement and enhancement of the fruit quality and appearance will open up more opportunities for our apple industry and will promote its healthy development. This paper reviews the relationship between apple bitter pit disorder and calcium, calcium absorption and transport in apple, the mechanism of calcium deficiency in apple and the progress in research on the control of apple bitter pit disorder, with a view to improving the calcium absorption capacity of fruit trees, increasing the calcium content in fruits to prevent apple bitter disorder, improving the fruit growth and quality during post-harvest storage, reducing the burden of fruit growers, and promoting the development of the apple industry.
Key words: Apple; Calcium; Bitter pit; Calcium absorption capacity; Control technique
薔薇科落葉果樹蘋果(Malus pumila)是世界四大水果之一,具有較高的營養(yǎng)價值。中國蘋果的栽培面積約232.38萬hm2、平均年產量4 388.23萬t,分別占世界的48%、54%;中國蘋果的人均占有率與出口額均位列世界第一;中國現(xiàn)已發(fā)展為世界上最大的蘋果生產國和消費國[1-3]。黃土高原、渤海灣、黃河故道、秦嶺北麓和西南冷涼高地是中國蘋果的主產區(qū),蘋果產業(yè)是國民經濟的重要組成部分。但中國蘋果果實品質較差,優(yōu)果率低。蘋果苦痘?。╞itter pit,BP)是影響蘋果經濟性狀的主要病害,尤其在實行套袋栽培后發(fā)病日益嚴重[4]。
1 鈣與蘋果苦痘病的關系
2 鈣吸收轉運
3 蘋果缺鈣機制
3.1 品種和砧木類型與果實鈣含量的關系
3.2 樹體因子與果實鈣含量的關系
3.3 施肥與果實鈣含量的關系
3.4 果樹修剪、果實套袋與果實鈣含量的關系
4 預防苦痘病的措施
4.1 合理施肥
蘋果的產量和品質直接影響果農的收入,而鈣作為植物必需的礦質元素在蘋果生產中扮演著重要角色,外施不同種類的鈣肥均能夠提高果實鈣含量、改善果實品質[53]。王樹桐等[54]指出:每生產1000 kg蘋果,果樹需要吸收氮2.5 kg、磷0.4 kg、鉀3.2 kg、鈣3.7 kg。果實中85%的鈣來自于土壤,只有15%的鈣從根外追肥中獲得[55]。通過土壤施肥補鈣是最為傳統(tǒng)的辦法,蘋果園土壤在春、夏、秋3次施肥能顯著增加土壤中總鈣、交換性鈣含量,顯著提高成熟果實鈣的濃度和鈣積累量[56]。楊蘭蘭等[57]通過土施硝酸鈣研究長富2號最佳的補鈣措施,結果表明,在花前、落花后和果實膨大期分3次將硝酸鈣(0.72 kg·株-1·次-1)施于果樹根下的效果最佳。
不利的土壤因素,如土壤鹽漬化、土壤溫度過低會導致根系活力降低,影響蘋果根系的鈣吸收[58]。運輸?shù)侥举|部的鈣離子在蒸騰拉力的帶動下運往地上部,而植物幼嫩部位及果實的蒸騰速率較低,對鈣的競爭小于葉片,加之鈣在韌皮部中移動性較差,難以再運輸和分配到新生部位及果實,因此果實容易發(fā)生缺鈣現(xiàn)象[59]。葉面補鈣作為一種快速、高效的補鈣措施,對提高蘋果品質和產量具有重要作用[60]。外源噴鈣能有效抑制果實變軟,維持細胞壁結構的穩(wěn)定,提高果樹的品質和抗逆性[43,61]。幼果期(落花后3~4周)葉面噴鈣,蘋果樹對鈣的吸收效率最高[62];Kalcsits等[63]通過44Ca示蹤試驗證實了幼果期蜜脆蘋果果實對鈣的吸收效率最高,隨著果實生長,鈣的吸收效率逐漸降低。雖然外施不同種類的鈣肥能夠提高果實鈣含量,但不同鈣肥應用效果不同,Ranjbar等[53]發(fā)現(xiàn),與氯化鈣(CaCl2)處理相比,納米碳酸鈣(CaCO3-nano)處理在改善蘋果儲藏期果實品質方面效果顯著;杜英俊[64]研究表明糖醇鈣800倍液補鈣效果優(yōu)于氨基酸鈣;此外,在果實采收后使用2%糖醇鈣浸泡果實15 min能顯著提高果實硬度,延長蘋果貨架期[65]。在果實發(fā)育過程中使用氯化鈣、納米碳酸鈣和糖醇鈣等鈣肥對提高果實中鈣含量有積極作用。
4.2 農技措施
5 總結與展望
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