Have you ever been in a bad mood that you just can’t shake? Or had a pile ofhomework but realized you’re not in the mood to get it done? Sometimes we feel atthe mercy1 of our moods, but we can influence and change them.
How to choose a mood
Step 1: Identify2 your mood. To switch3 moods, you need to check in withwhat you’re currently thinking and feeling. That way you can decide if you need tochange your mood to one that’s more suited to your situation.
Step 2: Accept what you feel. After you name your emotion, show yourselfsome understanding for feeling the way you do. But you don’t have to hold on tofeeling that way. Notice your mood, then choose to move past it.
Step 3: Identify the mood that’s best for the situation you’re in. If you need toget down to some serious studying, it’s better to feel interested, alert4, andconfident (and not so helpful to feel grumpy5, annoyed, and self-defeated).
How to get out of an unhelpful mood
To get out of a mood that’s unpleasant or unhelpful, try these mood changers:
Do something to break the train of thought that keeps your old mood going.Distract6 yourself with a song or simply focus7 on what’s going on outside yourwindow for a few minutes.
Change your body posture8. If you’re sitting, stand up. Moving your bodychanges your mood.
You’ve probably chosen your mood without even realizing it—many timespeople choose a mood naturally without thinking about it. But practicing ways tochoose your mood intentionally9 can help you get good at it.
1. mercy. 幸運,恩惠
2. identify. 識別;確認
3. switch.(使)改變,轉(zhuǎn)變
4. alert. 機敏的,敏捷的
5. grumpy. 脾氣壞的,愛抱怨的
6. distract. 使轉(zhuǎn)移注意力
7. focus. 集中,關(guān)注
8. posture.(坐或立的)姿勢
9. intentionally. 有意地