World's heaviest blueberry
A farm in Australia has hit the record books after producing the world’sheaviest blueberry. The unusually large fruit weighed 20.40 grams. The previous1world record was for a 16.2g berry in 2020.
澳大利亞的一個農場種出了世界上最重的藍莓,創(chuàng)下了紀錄。這個異常大的藍莓重達20.4 克。此前的世界紀錄是2020 年的16.2 克。
Over 100-year-old library book returns home in St Paul
超過100 年的圖書館圖書回到了圣保羅公共圖書館
A library book, over a century overdue2, has found its way back to the St PaulPublic Library. The last known borrowing of the book was in 1919.
一本逾期一個多世紀未還的圖書館圖書回到了圣保羅公共圖書館。這本書最后一次被借是在1919 年。
National standard set for hotpot cooks
The State-level hotpot standard was released3 in February. Hotpot cooks nowhave their own working and evaluation4 standards. The standard sets working andevaluation guidelines allowing for the diversity5 and differentiation of hotpot cookingmethods, experts said.
火鍋料理師國標于2 月出臺?;疱亸N師現在有了自己的工作和評價標準。專家表示,該標準制定了工作和評價指南,考慮到了火鍋烹飪方法的多樣性和差異化。
1. previous. 先前的
2. overdue.(到期)未還的
3. release. 公布,發(fā)布
4. evaluation. 評價,評估
5. diversity. 多樣化;不同,差異