Many of us keep pets, like a dog, acat, or a fish. Having a pet is like havinga special friend and the friend will alwaysbe at your side. Our pets love us andbring happiness2 and fun to our lives. Butcan rocks be our pets? People in SouthKorea are buying stones and keeping themas pets.
What's the reason behind it?
Young people are keeping rocks as“pets”to help them feel less lonely3 andstress4 in their daily lives. But why rocksinstead of5 normal6 pets?
Peoplethinkthatpetrocksmakespeoplefeel less stress without the responsibility7 of keeping normal pets such as dogs and cats.They say that looking after a pet rock ismuch easier than looking after livinganimals or plants. Unlike a dog or a cat,there is no need to play with it. Also, withlong work hours, people feel they are notable to look after normal pets.
Pet rocks are becoming very popularin South Korea as more people live alone.So, they prefer pet rocks to provide8 themhappiness and avoid9 loneliness.
How to deal10 with loneliness?
Dealing with loneliness might bedifficult, but remember that you are notalone. You can talk with your friends byphone and texts if they live far away. Orjoin a sports club or a dancing club andyou can make new friends there.