Milan wants to ban the sale of takeaway food after midnight. This is to helppeople there sleep. People are angry3 about the noise on the streets at night. Milanwants to ban takeaway food in 12 areas4 of the city. The takeaway ban meanspeople would not be able to buy pizza after 12:30 a.m. on weekdays. The ban startsfrom mid-May to November. But many people do not like the ban. A spokespersonfor stores said the food ban would not stop the noise. He said a ban on eating pizza“won’t solve5 a thing”.
(意大利)米蘭計劃禁止午夜后出售外賣食品。這是為了讓那里的人們睡個好覺。人們對夜晚街道上的噪音感到憤怒。米蘭打算在本市的12 個區(qū)域禁止外賣食品。外賣禁令意味著人們將無法在工作日的午夜12:30 以后購買披薩。禁令從5 月中旬持續(xù)到11 月。但是許多人不喜歡這項禁令。一位商店發(fā)言人表示,(外賣)食品禁令不會停止噪音。他說禁止吃披薩“解決不了任何問題”。
Discussion 議一議:
1. Have you ever eaten takeaway food? 你吃過外賣食品么?
2. Do you think whether takeaway food is good for people or not? Why? 你認為外賣食品對人有沒有好處呢?為什么?