How long should you study for a test? The answer to this question is differentfor everyone because it’s not just about how long you study—it’s also how effectively1you study. To study effectively, you should study at a proper2 time.
Study Session3 Timing
Most good study sessions are at least one hour long. A one-hour session givesyou enough time to focus4 on the material5, but it isn’t so long and makes you feeltired. Take time off between one-hour or two-hour sessions. This is how your brain6works best. At last, the key to determining7 how long you need to study is yourbrain type.
Students Who Are Global Thinkers8
Some students are global thinkers, which means their brains work hard be鄄hind the scenes9 as they read. As they read, learners at first may feel they’re takingin too much information, but then find that things start to make sense. If youare a global thinker, you should try to read in parts and take breaks to relax as youlike. Your brain needs time to deal with the information.
Students Who Are Analytic10 Thinkers
Some students are analytic thinkers, which means that they love to make thingsclear. These thinkers often can’t go on right away if they find some information thatdoesn’t make sense.
If you’re an analytic thinker, you might find yourself getting stuck with something.It keeps you from getting through your reading in a right time. Do not read itover and over again, put a note or a pencil mark on every page where you getstuck. Then, move on to the next part—you can go back and look up words orideas the second time around.