Australian kids shouldn’t have a smartphone until they turn 14 because of thevery real health risks2 of social media, a tech expert has warned. A study has shownkids are at risk of health problems when they are allowed to use social media as muchor as often as they like. Some of the biggest health problems kids have are less sleep, addiction3, anxiety4 and poor mental5 health. There was a growing movement in theUS called“wait for eight”. It is to help young children make sure that they would waituntil they reached Grade 8, or 14 years old, before getting a phone.
一位技術專家警告說,澳大利亞的孩子在14 歲之前不應該擁有智能手機,因為社交媒體給健康帶來很大的風險。一項研究表明,當允許孩子們隨心所欲地長時間或頻繁使用社交媒體時,他們會面臨健康風險。孩子們面臨的最大的健康問題有睡眠不足、上癮、焦慮和心理健康狀況不佳。在美國,有一場名為“等到八年級”的運動正在興起。這是為了幫助年幼的孩子們確保他們會等到8 年級或14 歲時才擁有手機。
Discussion 議一議:
1. Do you have a smartphone? 你有智能手機嗎?
2. Do you think using a smartphone at a young age is good for you? Why? 你覺得太小的年紀使用手機有好處嗎?為什么?