A new exercise trend called“cozycardio” has become popular on somesocial media ever since a woman namedHope Zuckerbrow began posting videos inlate 2022.
Cozy cardio simply is walking inplace—in your comfortable home—using amini treadmill3. There’s no stress4, no costsin the gym and you can even have a cup ofhottea by yourside.
“I get so many messages from men andwomen—so many people—saying somethinglike ‘thank you so much for kind of tell mewhat exercise can be,’”Zuckerbrow says.
Wearing soft trousers, you make ahealthy juice or cup of tea and put on afavorite TV show or movie. With yourdrink beside you, you can walk for anhour, and maybe walk just a bit fasteronce you’re warmed up.
自從一位名為霍普·扎克布羅的女性在2022 年底開始發(fā)布視頻以來,一種名為“慢節(jié)奏有氧運(yùn)動”的新運(yùn)動趨勢在社交媒體上流行起來。
Could this style of easy workout helppeople stick with exercise long after NewYear ends? The answer could be yes, saysAlex Montoye, an expert in Michigan. Shesays that people who change5 fromenergetic6 daily workouts to cozy cardio maythink they get less exercise than before. Butfor someone who would like to watch TVfrom the couch, watch while walking, whichis much better—especially7 if it becomes adailyhabit.
People work hardto make healthy habitsstick8, which makescozy cardio a goodidea, says Catherine Sanderson, a professorin Massachusetts.
She says,“It very much relies9 on theidea of,‘It’s not just that I’m exercising.I’m getting to watch my favorite show.I’m trying something I want to be doingalready.’”