The winter wind bit through my coat butdidn’t dampen1 my cheerfulness as I carriedmy four jars2 of home-canned tomatoes intothe church basement. Excited to take part infeeding the less fortunate3 in our communityat Christmas, I joined my school classmatesas we boxed the goods for delivery4.
That year, we went to Bobby’s house.He was one grade ahead of me in school,but I never knew he was poor. When wetook the box inside the small house, I sawbedrooms had been created by hangingsheets over ropes. Bobby came home whilewe were there, blushed5, and disappearedbehind a divider.
My heart ached for him. Even as aseven-year-old, I understood embarrassment.After we returned to the church, my teacherpulled me aside. I thought she was going todiscuss Bobby’s situation, but she didn’t.
“Linda, we collected a lot of food thisyear. You have a large family. Why don’tyou take this extra box home with you?”She picked up the cardboard container,expecting me to accept the food.
“No. That’s for poor people.”
“All people need help at times,”shesaid.“
“Well, we don’t.”I pushed open the doorand walked three blocks to myhouse.
Were we poor? I began to look at ourfamily with what I considered impartial6,grown-up eyes and concluded that we weredefinitely poor.
My mother never suffered fools, andshe didn’t tolerate7 whining8. After twodays, she asked to know why I’d beenmoping9.
“We’re poor.”
“Who said that?”she asked.
“Nobody said it. I figured it out.”Icouldn’t look her in the eye. She’d beenhiding this important truth from us.
“Why do you think we’re poor?”
I listed reasons, becoming bolder10 asI elaborated11 on my realizations.“Thechurch wanted to give us food. We don’thave a car, only a pick-up, and we have toride in the back when we go places. Theteachers offered to buy us shoes for thisschool year. And most of the clothes in mycloset are hand-me-downs from a girl inmy class. I never thought about it, butwhat if people are laughing about mewearing her clothes?”
“Are you done?”
I wracked12 my brain for otherexamples but came up with none.
My mother poured a cup of coffee andsat at the kitchen table. Maybe she hadn’tknown what people thought about us.
She stirred in a spoonful of sugar andsipped13. “We are not poor. We areexceedingly14 rich.”
This statement got my attention, and Igrabbed a chair.“We are?”
“Do you have a healthy body? Canyou run and play without any problem?”
I nodded. I was the fastest girl in ourclass.
“Do you have a good mind? Are you agood reader? Is there a library where youcan learn about anything that interests you?”
I nodded again. My mother oftenreminded us that she only had an eighth -grade education, but she expected every oneof her seven children to earn collegedegrees. I now felt embarrassed aboutbringing up the subject.
“Do you ever go to bed hungry?”Sheput down her cup. “I know you don’t. Wehave a wonderful garden, and you eat wellyear-round. Canned food doesn’t taste asgood as home-grown. I should buy some tinsjust to prove it.”
“But the rich people buy their food incans,”I protested.
“Because they don’t have gardens. Peoplein some places in the world don’t get enough toeat. You do. And people in some places in theworld don’t have many clothes, hand-me-downsor not. Clothes aren’t important.”
“But people think we’re poor.”
“Well, they’re wrong. You get to goto school and play, while some children inthis world have to work. You’re free. Youcan go where you want to go, and pursue15any dream you can imagine. You are notpoor! You’re rich! I expect you toremember that every day of your life.”
I never brought up the subject again.
Now that I’m older, I marvel16 at theriches we enjoyed, even on Christmaseswhen there weren’t many presents underthe tree.
I’ve often heard the saying,“I’vebeen rich, and I’ve been poor. Rich isbetter.”
I know rich is better, for I’m anexceedingly wealthy woman.