Alexander tried his best topush2 a huge stone3. “I saw awizard4 put jewels behind thestone. If we can move it, they’llbe ours. We’ll be rich5.”
“It’stooheavyforustomove,”said Raja. He leaned against6 thestone and pushed hard.
“We can do this! ”shoutedAlexander. The two friendspushed harder and harder.
“Did you feel that? Itmoved.” Alexander said andpushed even harder.
The stone moved and asmall opening into the cave7came up.
“Come on!”said Alexander.
Raja shook8 his head and said,“I’mnot going in there. It’s dark and what if thestone moves back. We’d be stuck9 in there.I’ll stay here in case10 something goeswrong.”
“Have it your way.”Alexander wentinto the cave. Once his eyes got used to thedarkness11, he walked deeper12 into thecave. Then he saw a door that opened intoanother section. This section had lights13along the walls. Looking in, he sawtreasure chests14 full of jewels.
“Oh! It’s more riches than I everimagined.”He took out a bag and put alljewels with different colors into it. When itwas filled, he closed it and went back tothe opening.
“Did you find it?” said Raja whenAlexander came out.
“It’s more than I could ever have hoped for. Look!”Alexander opened the bag.
Raja shook his head.“Oh! This istoo much. The wizard will know someonetook his jewels. I think this is a verybad idea.”
“Ha,”said Alexander. “I’ll bringthis home then come back with morebags. I’ll be the richest one in ourcountry. I will live a happiest life.Nothing will stop me.”
Just then, it was dark. A hugedragon15 blocked out16 the sun’s light.The wizard flew off the dragon’s backand floated down.
Raja shook from head to foot.Alexander put his bag of jewels behind abig tree.
“What are you doing here?”asked the wizard.
Alexander answered, “We saw thestone here was moved and came to seewhat was wrong.”
Raja couldn’t do anything but just shook.
“So,”said the wizard, “you didn’t go into my cave?”
“Oh, no,”said Alexander.“We justgot here.”He didn’t notice the bag ofjewels had fallen out from the tree.
The wizard picked up the bag.“Where did this come from? Who hashad the boldness17 to take my jewels?”
“It must have been the thieves who moved the stone,”said Alexander.
The wizard looked at Raja.“And,you. What do you think about yourfriend’s words? Why do you shake so?”
“I... I... I...”Raja could not find any other words.
“You may leave,”the wizard said to Raja.
Raja looked at Alexander then ran to the village fast.
The wizard turned to Alexander.“I know your heart. Since you stole18my jewels and lied19 about it, you willbe a part of them.”
In a minute, Alexander turned into astone. The wizard put him into the bagand took it back into the cave.
“You will live in my cave as a stoneuntil I am sure you are sorry for what youhave done. When your heart is pure20, I’llbe back.”
“ 你感覺到了嗎? 它動了。”亞歷山大說,然后更用力地推它。