People who keep pets often saythey can tell what their animals arethinking or feeling.
A mother elephant was very sadwhen she lost her baby on a nature documentary1.It might persuade2 you thatlarger animals have feelings, too. But whatabout really, really small animals likeinsects? Do they have feelings?
Well, a group of scientists haverecently said there is a “realisticpossibility3”that they do.
They say that the evidence4 tells thatmany mammals5 and birds show consciousness6.They also think that evidenceis beginning to show that other animals dohave it, too. Animals such as reptiles,amphibians, fishes and many smallanimals without backbones.
The scientists signed7 a documentcalled. So far, over 80scientists from around the world havesigned it.
What do you think? Will the ideamake you think twice the next time youwant to kill an insect? Did you know...?
Here are some evidence the scientistsshowed to support8 their idea:
tortoises and zebrafish showingtheir curiosity9;
crayfish showing anxiety10;
octopuses avoiding11 pain and rememberingplaces where they experienced it in the past;
bumblebees playing with objects just for fun;
garter snakes being able to recognize12 themselves;
fruit flies sleep badly when keptaway from their group.
科學(xué)家們簽署了一份名為《紐約動(dòng)物意識(shí)宣言》的文件。到目前為止,來(lái)自世界各地的80 多位科學(xué)家已經(jīng)簽署了該文件。
● 烏龜和斑馬魚表現(xiàn)出好奇心;