An old story tells that in a very hot period the big snowy2 mountain losther covering3 of snow. Rivers dried up, trees withered4 and the mountainbecame covered in grey stones. The moon, always bright5 and shining6, wantedto help her friend. However, the only thing she thought of was to make a littlehole and blow through it. In this way, some magic dust7 that made her shinewould fall on the mountain in the form of snow.
Once opened, nobody could close the hole again. The moon didn’t mind,however. She went on blowing and after several nights lost all her white dust.The moon looked so empty that people couldn’t see her and the nights weretotally dark.
Seeing this, the mountain wanted to help her friend. So she lit a fire8inside herself until she became a volcano9. The fire turned the snow into awhite smoke10 that rose up to the moon. It filled her each night until shewas once again full and bright. However, when the smoke stopped, the holein the moon was still open, and she had to share her magic dust again untilshe was gone. They did the same thing again and again.
The moon started her travels in the hope of finding a way to work it out. Thenshe came across a town that really needed her help. She was too weak to stop herkind heart, so she blew on the town until she herself stopped shining. Just like themountain, the town also found a way to make the her bright again.
And so, every month, the moon shares her magic dust across the world untilshe was gone. She knows that in a few days her friends would find a way to makeher bright and shining again.