Bored? Looking for a new challenge? Youcan watch basketball, baseball, tennis, volleyball,and soccer games, or you can really enjoythem by joining your school team. Not intoteam sports? How about playing chess,painting, or dancing...?
So many choices can seem over -whelming2. Then what are the benefits3 ofextracurricular activities? You get to exploreyour physical, creative, social and careerinterests with like-minded people. You’ll findfriends. Trying something different may bringyou in contact4 with people you didn’t knowwho share your interests and curiosity5.
How to find the right activity for you?Review the activities your school offers andlisten to other students’experiences to find anactivity that meets your needs. Think aboutyour interests, abilities, and time. Have youalways wanted to give acting a shot? Are you"tired of shooting hoops6 alone? Are you lookingto meet friends or get support? Don’t limityourselftothefamiliar.Trysomethingnew.
Things to think about before you make adecision also include:
Age. You may have to be a certain age orin a certain grade to join an activity.
Fees7. Do you have to pay to join? Howmuch? Are there fees for outings, uniforms, orother expenses8?
Physical condition. You may need to dosports. Your physical condition decideswhether a sport is a good choice for you.
Grades. Can you ensure that your gradesdo not drop after taking part in certainextracurricular activities?
Time. If you’re involved in competitivesports, you need to have the time to practiceand compete.
It’s important to keep a balance betweenschoolwork, extracurricular activities, sociallife, and your health. So think about itcarefully before you join. Will you have timeto eat, sleep, and relax? If an activity adds lotsof stress to your life, it’s not for you.
1. extracurricular 課外的
2. overwhelming 難以抗拒的,令人不知所措的;巨大的
3. benefit 好處,益處
4. contact 聯(lián)系,聯(lián)絡(luò)
5. curiosity 好奇心,求知欲
6. hoop 籃圈,籃筐
7. fee 費(fèi)用
8. expense 代價(jià),費(fèi)用