- 微信民族志與寫文化
- 略論納西族飲食習俗的文化意蘊
- 人類學視角下的飲食文化變遷
- 品味辣椒
- 摩梭母系婚姻家庭形態(tài)研究的再思考
- 論藏彝走廊回、藏和諧民族關(guān)系的形成機制
- 彝族“付拖”與《羌族釋比圖經(jīng)》中五行生肖的對比與解讀
- “武陵民族區(qū)”命名的價值取向及其意義
- 從嘉絨諺語看嘉絨藏族多元文化元素
- 社會分層視角下四川藏區(qū)貧困代際傳遞形成機理研究
- 四川省民族自治地方的教育與經(jīng)濟發(fā)展
- “WeChat” Ethnology and Writing Culture
- On the Cultural Implications of the Dietary Customs of the Naxi People
- An Anthropological Perspective on Changes in Food Culture:a Case Study of the Miao in Wenshan, Yunnan
- Rethinking the Studies of Mosuo MatrilinealMarriage and Family Form
- Discussions on the Mechanisms for the Formationof Harmonious Ethnic Relations between the Huiand Tibetans in the TibetanYi Corridor
- A Comparison and Interpretation of the Five Elements and Earthly Branches Found in the Yis “Futuo” Diagram and the Qiang Shibis Illustrated Book
- The Value and Significance of the Conceptof the “Wuling Ethnic Area”
- Multicultural Elements of Rgyalrong Tibetanas Seen from Their Proverbs
- Research on the Formation Mechanisms for the IntergenerationalTransmission of Poverty in the Tibetan Areas of Sichuan fromthe Perspective of Social Stratification
- Educational and Economic Development in the EthnicAutonomous Areas of Sichuan Province