(蘭州交通大學數(shù)理與軟件工程學院,甘肅蘭州 730070)
(蘭州交通大學數(shù)理與軟件工程學院,甘肅蘭州 730070)
對一類隨機環(huán)境中的二重隨機游動的首達概率進行研究.在平穩(wěn)遍歷條件下討論了隨機環(huán)境中的單邊二重隨機游動的常返性,應(yīng)用隨機環(huán)境下轉(zhuǎn)移概率的 Markov性,得出了在獨立同分布條件下的一個中心極限定理.
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Note about Random Walks of Order 2 with Reflecting Barrier in Random Environment
YANG Zhaoqiang, CHANG Yingxiang
(School of Mathematics, Physics and Software Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou, China 730070)
In this paper, issue of the probabilities of arriving for the 1st time of a class of random walks of Order 2 in a random environment was studied. And recurrence criterion of the random walks of single side with order 2 was discussed under the condition of the stationary and ergodic. Finally, a centre limit theorem of the random walks was obtained under the condition of independent and identically distributed by using Markov of transition probability in a random environment.
Random Environment; Random Walk of Single Side with Order 2; Transition Probability; Centre Limit Theorem
10.3875/j.issn.1674-3563.2012.01.003 本文的PDF文件可以從xuebao.wzu.edu.cn獲得
楊朝強(1984- ),男,甘肅通渭人,碩士研究生,研究方向:隨機過程及應(yīng)用