Masters Authentic Life
By Tang Yinfang
Master Xu Bangda (1911-2012) passed away on February 23, 2012 at the age of 101 years. The masters long life can roughly be divided into two periods. Before he was 50 years old, he was partly known as a preeminent artist. His artistry can be testified by a whopping price of 9.7 million for an artwork of his sold at an auction held by Poly Auction Group in June 2011. In his second 50 years, the master was largely known as a great authenticator.
Xu Bangda is one of the Big Five authenticators of modern China. The other four are Xie Zhiliu, Qigong, Liu Jiuan, and Yang Renkai. He was the last of the five and his demise puts an end to a legendary era of the great authenticators. There are many tales about his authenticating ancient paintings.
Xu had a lifelong passion for ancient paintings. He began to pur-chase ancient masterpieces when he was not yet 20 years old. His buying experience lasted well into his ninth decade.
In the early 21st century, a scholar in Nanjing compared Xu Bangda and other authentication masters based on their distinct approaches. According to the scholar, Xie Zhiliu (1910-1997) ap-praised antiques artistically; Xus approach was largely technique-oriented; Qigong relied heavily on ancient records and books. However, Xu Bangda resorted to a full range of things in appraising antiques. He gave priority to historical records about art, life sto-ries and friendships of ancient painters and calligraphers. In 1983, Shanghai Peoples Art Press printed Xus studies of biographies of ancient masters. Xu paid special attention to details of masterpieces such as brushstrokes, ink shades, styles, characteristics of a certain period. Another part of his appraisal secrets was to take a look at details such as paper and ink materials and mounting techniques. Xu wrote a book on how to evaluate ancient books.
According to history, once upon a time Xie Zhiliu and Xu Bangda disagreed upon the authenticity of a painting. An interest-ing debate became heated between the two masters. They discussed whether a painting was really pained by Xu Xi of the Five Dynas-ties (907-960). Xie argued that it was authentic and his judgment was based on ancient literature and a comparison between ancient records and what was present in the painting. Part of Xus argument was that the silk on which the painting was made could not have been produced during the years of the Five Dynasties. His reason-ing was quite simple: silk weavers of that time did not make silk fabric more than 60 centimeters wide.
Xu Bangda was one of the appraisers who brought the appraising expertise and experience of the south to Beijing after the founding of New China in 1949. By 1950, he had lived in Shanghai more than 30 years. He and Zhang Heng (1915-1963) were the two best-known art appraisers in the southeastern China.
Zhang Heng and Xu Bangda came to Beijing in 1950 at the in-vitation of Zhen Zhenduo, the head of the national administration for cultural relics, to build a new collection for the National Palace Museum, whose major treasures had been shipped to Taiwan when Chiang Kai-shek fled to the island province in the late 1940s. The two masters traveled across the country. They visited more than 80% of the county capitals on the mainland, searching and buying antiques from private collectors and owners. Within a few years, a collection of more than 3,000 pieces was put together thanks to the two masters. Xu catalogued the whole collection and wrote all the cards. Many people remember his meticulous small-character hand-writing in all these cards.
Xu Bangda lived long enough to be, arguably, the greatest ap-praiser in the history of China in terms of the number of antiques he evaluated and appraised during his long career. He worked as an appraiser for the palace mu-seum for decades. This status gave him opportunities to see the best things from all over the country and visit interest-ing places across the country. After the Cultural Revolu-tion (1966-1976), he joined a five-member team to travel through China to view and review antiques. It is said that no one in China has seen more ancient calligraphic works and paintings than he did. It is widely agreed that Xu is “the biggest eye” of the appraisal industry of China in modern times.
Xu wrote books and papers that add up to more than 6 million characters. The two books mentioned above systematically relate his evaluation theories, expertise, and practice.
Xu Bangda himself did not embrace the label of technique-centered approach. He pointed out that as ancient artworks survived through a full range of situations, it would be erroneous to confine oneself to a single method. He said it was advisable to be flexible and open-minded in appraising. He admitted that sometimes he was not so sure about his judgment. He thought some artworks were au-thentic, but he kept his opinion to himself, for he understood that it would be troublesome to ask people to take him at his mere word.
In his evening years, the palace museum in Beijing bought some ancient masters paintings at his suggestion. Many masterpieces on the market, however, were beyond the financial means of the museum. Xu always urged Chinese collectors to be generous so that the cultural treasures would stay in China. He himself bought some ancient calligraphic scrolls and paintings. In 2011 his private collection of paintings and calligraphies by ancient masters were exhibited at Poly Tower in Beijing. □