Sedimentology of China(Second Edition)will be published by the Petroleum Industry Press in August, 2013.
Sedimentology of China(First Edition)was published by the Petroleum Industry Press in October, 1994.
From 1994 to 2013, nineteen years have passed.During the nineteen years, many changes occurred.
Among the seventy- fi ve authors who made contributions to the first edition of this book,fourteen of them passed away.They were Fang Yesen, Jia Yuru, Liu Changling, Wang Defa, Wang Yinghua, Wu Chongyun, Yang Peiji, Yang Shipu, Ye Lianjun, Yuan Jianqi, Zeng Dingqian, Zhang Guodong, Zhao Zhen and Zhao Chenglin.
Among them, Professor Wang Yinghua and Professor Wang Defa were the associate editorsin-chief for the first edition of this book.Professor Wang Yinghua was one of the most active initiators and organizers for the first edition of this book.He was my best collaborator and supporter.Without his strategical proposing and careful organizing work, the publication of the first edition of this book was very hard or even impossible.
Professors Ye Lianjun, Wu Chongyun, Zeng Dingqian, and Yuan Jianqi were my predecessors.They wrote the articles for the first edition of this book as the powerful support to it.In the first edition of this book, the inscription from Academician Ye Lianjun,“Sedimentology has blossomed and yielded fruited on the grand earth of China”, was the epitome for the first edition of this book.
Professor Liu Changling was the member of editorial committee of the first edition and the second edition of this book.He was in charge of writing the Chapter ofClaystonesand the Chapter ofBauxite in China, both of which were completed at the end of 2010.However, he passed away in spring of 2011.He didn’t have a chance to see the second edition of this book.This brought me a profound grief.
Herein, another departed predecessor Academician Ye Zhizheng should be mentioned.He supported the publication of the first edition of this book with great passion.The following is a portion from his letter to me, which was dated of January, 1989:
“Composing the book,Sedimentology of China, is an important systematical project that carries a great significance.…… It reflects the traditional morality of Chinese intellectuals, who reject the unethical influence of today’s society and consider doing some bene fi cial things for our homeland.I should manage myself to follow your invitation by doing whatever in my ability in order to contribute to this book, however, my heart is in poor condition and I am still on the sickbed.……”
The inscription from Academician Ye Lianjun, the letter from Academician Ye Zhizheng when he was on the sickbed“doing some beneficial things for our homeland”, and the utter devotion from all the authors of the first edition of this book, give me the courage and urge me to organize domestic sedimentologists for revising the first edition of this book and publishing the second edition of this book.With the permit of my health and work condition, if I am not to do so, I feel that my responsibility has not been fully reached, and I will be unworthy of the 14 deceased authors,unworthy of all the authors of the first edition of this book, and unworthy of our homeland.This is the motivation that encourages me to overcome all kinds of obstructions and that urges me to organize domestic sedimentologists for a second time in order to revise the first edition of this book and to publish the second edition of this book.
In the forthcoming publication of the second edition of this book, I cherish the memories of the deceased authors and express my gratitude to all the authors of the first edition.They contributed to the development of thesedimentology of China.
Comparing the first edition and the second edition of this book, the modi fi cations are signi ficant.
First, some chapters of the frst edition are not revised.These chapters are Chapter 10 (Car?bonate reservoirs of oil and gas in Sichuan Basin), Chapter 11 (Sedimentary structures), Chapter 12 (Stromatolites), Chapter 24 (Mixed sedimentsof carbonate and terrigenous clastics), Chapter 25 (Sedimentary suites in China), Chapter 28 (Manganese ore deposits in China), Chapter 31(Sedimentary characteristics and stratabound lead-zinc ore deposits in carbonate rocks in East China), and Chapter 35 (Source rock,reservoir and cap rock association of Chinese continental oil? and gas-bearing rock series), totally 8 chapters.This is to say, in the second edition of this book, these chapters are eliminated.
Second, some chapters of the first edition are merged to form new chapters in the second edition.For example, in the first edition, Chapter 2 (Diagenesis in sediments and mineralization)and Chapter 3 (Relationship between the diagenesis of Mesozoic clastic sediments(sedimentary rock)of Ordos Basin and oil and gas)are merged to form a new chapter (Diagenesis of clastic rocks).In the first edition, Chapter 6 (Coated grains in carbonate rocks)and Chapter 5 (Petrography of carbonate rocks)are merged to form a new chapter (Petrography of carbonate rocks).In the first edition, Chapter 8 (Diagenesis of carbonate sediments)and Chapter 9 (Diagenesis of carbonate rocks)are merged to form a new chapter (Diagenesis of carbonate rocks).In the first edition, Chapter 16 (Sediments of modern lakes in China), Chapter 17 (Sedimentary characteristics of Mesozo?ic-Cenozoic lakes in China), and Chapter 18 (Depositional systems and sediment fi ll patterns of Meso-Cenozoic faulted basins in East China)are merged to form a new chapter (Lake sediments).This is to say, nine chapters of the first edition are revised into four chapters in the second edition.In other words, 5 chapters are cut down.
Third, for the rest chapters of the first edition, the contents are enhanced, renewed and modified significantly, and the names of some chapters are revised, even changed greatly.However, the quantity of chapters remains the same.
Fourth, in the second edition, there are eight new chapters,i.e., theDolostones,Pyroclastic rocks,Siliceous rocks,Loess,Seismites,Palaeontologyandsedimentary environments,Oil shale inChina, andLithofacies palaeogeography asa guide to petroleum exploration.
In this way, 35 chapters of the first edition are altered into 30 chapters in the second edition.
At the same time, comparing the author teams between the first edition and the second edition, there is another noticeable change,i.e., many energetic sedimentologists undertake the task of rewriting this book.This is a positive change.
However, the basic framework of this book has not been changed.It still has three parts with the same names.The name of this book still isSedimentology of China; the “second edition” is attached to the end of the book name only.This indicates that the second edition of this book is revised on the foundation of the first edition of this book.
Overall, the second edition of this book inherits the basic framework and original contents of the first edition.However, the contents of the book are adjusted, enhanced and revised.This is “get rid of the stale and take in the fresh”.This is very important.Without“get rid of the stale and take in the fresh”, the modif i cation of the first edition of this book is out of the question.
As discussed above, comparing the first edition and the second edition of this book, the contents of this book are altered to a great extent and the authors are also changed signif i cantly.However, the characteristics of this book are unchanged.They are not only unchanged, but also more prominent and more distinct.
In the preface of the first edition of this book, I pointed out that this book has three characteristics.
First, in this book, the original data, maps, photos, examples, points of view, methodologies, and theories mostly belong to China.They are originated from China with strong Chinese essence and Chinese native flavor.Certainly, the foreign materials and ideas should be cited where they are needed, otherwise, it is self-isolation to the rest of the world.However, Chinese materials must be in a dominant position, otherwise, it is not thesedimentology of China.The more we want to join the international sedimentology community in order to make our contribution, the more we should promote our creation.This is the dialectical relationship.This book is a creation.
Second, this book is a monograph.In this book, each chapter is based on Chinese materials.The authors of each chapter not only connect these materials, but also upgrade them to the theoretical system of China (at first, it must belong to the authors).Each chapter of this book is independent with their own features, but they are also related with each other.Under the same writing principle and format, these chapters are connected together.Therefore, this book is a uniform entity.
Third, in this book, the authors of each chapter are the accomplished experts in their research field of Chinese sedimentology.They only write the chapter with their most familiar and most perceptive contents.In general, one author only writes one chapter or not more than two chapters.In this way, the advancement and representation of this book are assured.Only in this way, this book can ref l ect and represent the situation, the level and the characteristics of Chinese sedimentology at present time.Only in this way, this book can be calledsedimentology of China.
For the second edition ofSedimentology of China, these three characteristics are still adequately applicable.However, they are under refinement.Now, I summarize these three characteristics into one word, “Chinese”.
“Chinese” includes three meanings: (1)Chinese materials, (2)Chinese points of view or theories, and (3)Chinese characteristics.
Chinese materials mean that the original materials, data, photos, maps and examples in each chapter of the second edition of this book, are from China, not from other countries or only a few of them are from other countries.Thus, it displays and proves that the material base of Chinese sedimentology is plentiful and priceless.
Chinese points of view or theories mean that the points of view, ideas, methodologies, theories and theoretical systems in each chapter of the second edition of this book, belong to the Chinese people or the authors themselves of each chapter, not belong to the foreigners.If talking about corresponding points of view or theories of foreign researchers, we mainly discuss their historical contributions to this research field and explain that the points of view or theories of the Chinese people or the authors of each chapter have historical origin, and have developed from them to some extent.
Combining the former two points,i.e., using the Chinese materials as a foundation or a foothold, and the points of view or theories of Chinese people or the authors of each chapter as a guide or a red line, the authors write each chapter of this book with strong Chinese essence and Chinese native flavor.This is the Chinese characteristics of the second edition ofSedimentology of China.
How about the academic level of the second edition ofSedimentology of China? Comparing with famous sedimentology books of foreign countries, is this book in the leading position or at the advanced level ? Or else, is it unsuitable for such kind of comparison ?
This is an inevitable question.It should be evaluated by readers.
As the editor-in-chief of this book, I can not avoid this question, and I have to present a selfevaluation of the academic level of this book.
In this book, I am responsible for writing three chapters,i.e., Chapter 3Petrography of car?bonate rocks, Chapter 22Quantitative lithofacies palaeogeography, and Chapter 30Lithofacies palaeogeography as a guide to petroleum exploration.Let me use these three chapters as examples to evaluate the academic level of this book by myself.
In Chapter 3Petrography of carbonate rocks, honestly speaking, the academic points of view or theories can not be compared with the milestone classification of carbonate rocks of Folk (1959,1962).Folk’s classification of carbonate rocks was an epoch-making event in sedimentary petrology.In China, I am the most active responder and spreader of the classification of carbonate rocks of Folk.Accordingly, a sincere friendship was established between Folk and me.My classification of carbonate rocks of China is enlightened by some advanced ideas and theories of foreign researchers, such as Folk (1959, 1962), Dunham (1962), Leighton and Pendexter (1962).In addition,considering the domestic situation and demands of field work, thin section study, and well logging,combining my long period of working experiences in teaching and research, I gradually summarize and refine the Chinese materials of carbonate rocks, and write them in this chapter.
I greatly value the classifications of carbonate rocks of Folk and other foreign experts.However, I never copy the foreign theories mechanically in my teaching, research and industry practice.Even in translating the papers of Folk and others, for some inadequate contents in their papers, I put in relevant footnotes in order to spread these advanced theories in China smoothly.These are what we frequently said “making foreign things serve China” and “studying foreign things is for development of Chinese things”.As a result, does the chapterPetrography of carbonate rocksdevelop some Chinese things? I think the answer is positive.First, this chapter has many original Chinese materials, especially 28 plates and 151 beautiful photos and detailed captions.These are rare in the same kind of foreign monographs.Second, the ideas and theories of classification not only have the domestic and foreign origins, but also have selection and sublation.They are improved and creative.Third, the principles of classification and nomenclature, the proposal of classification,and the system of terminology are consistent with the theoretical system of classification, are in accordance with the Chinese custom, and are concise and practical.Thus, the chapterPetrography of carbonate rocksis a summary of Chinese research works of carbonate rocks.I hope it will promote the development of carbonate petrology in China.Of course, there are still problems around.The critiques from readers are earnestly appreciated.
Chapter 22Quantitative lithofacies palaeogeographyis originated from China.In 1977 and 1979, I made the first quantitative lithofacies palaeogeographic map (The Lithofacies Palaeogeographic Map of the Lower Ordovician Yeli Formation of North China), and at the same time, the“single factor analysis and multifactor comprehensive mapping method” initiated by me was basically established.After that, several lithofacies palaeogeographic maps and related study results were published successively.They were the Lithofacies Palaeogeography of the Cambrian and the Ordovician of North China, the Lithofacies Palaeogeography of Cambrian, Ordovician, Permian,Triassic, and Carboniferous of South China, the Lithofacies Palaeogeography of Cambrian and Ordovician of Northwest China and Tarim area, the Lithofacies Palaeogeography of the Cambrian and Ordovician of Ordos area, and the Lithofacies Palaeogeography of the Cambrian and Ordovician of the whole China.The methodology of quantitative lithofacies palaeogeography —— single factor analysis and multifactor comprehensive mapping method was gradually developed and matured.Therefore, the quantitative lithofacies palaeogeography was formed progressively.This is a summary of my long period working experiences of teaching and research in the fields of sedimentology and lithofacies palaeogeography.This is a new discipline of palaeogeography created by my research team and me.It is in the advanced level and in the leading position in the world.Of course, there are problems existing.I welcome the correction and revision from readers.
Chapter 30Lithofacies palaeogeography as a guide to petroleum explorationis a new chapter in the second edition of this book.The name of this chapter is borrowed from the title of an articlePalaeogeography as a guide to mineral exploration(Hsien, C.Y.,i.e., Xie Jiarong, 1948).Xie was the first geologist who publicly proposed the idea of palaeogeography as a guide to mineral exploration.This proposition pointed out that the relationship between palaeogeography and mineral deposits exploration is unusual, and it is a directive relationship.In this famous article, Xie emphatically explained how palaeogeography could guide mineral deposits exploration regarding coal, bauxite, sedimentary phosphorite, sedimentary iron deposits, and sedimentary copper deposits.The famous Huainan Coal Field was discovered by Xie through applying palaeogeography as a guide to mineral exploration.However, due to historical restriction, Xie didn’t mention oil and gas in his article.For proving that this proposition could also be applied to petroleum exploration or it fi ts much better in petroleum exploration, I suggested to add the chapterLithofacies palaeogeogra?phy as a guide to petroleum explorationin the second edition ofSedimentology of China.I selected some best petroleum exploration examples that were guided by lithofacies palaeogeography, and invited several experts to write them respectively.Together, we composed this new chapter.
Overall, these three chapters written by me meet the three meanings of“Chinese”discussed above.In these three chapters, the original materials, data, photos, maps, and examples are Chinese; the academic points of view, methodologies, and theories are originated from China; all three chapters display the Chinese essence and Chinese characteristics.
Generally, the rest chapters of this book also meet these three meanings of “Chinese” and all of them exhibit the Chinese essence and Chinese characteristics.On the other hand, problems certainly exist.I am not satisfied with certain contents in some chapters (including the three chapters written by me).However, we can not endlessly revise these manuscripts.The modification of this book should be stopped at an adequate point.I am looking forward to hearing the criticism from readers.
In the discussion above, I emphasized the “Chinese”,i.e., the Chinese materials, the Chinese points of view or theories, and the Chinese characteristics.Obviously, we have these Chinese characteristics, which foreigners have not.
However, we must understand that many sedimentary monographs written by foreign sedimentologists have their own characteristics.Obviously, they have their characteristics, which we have not.
Thus, there are the opposites,i.e.:
The Chinese and the foreign;
We have and they have not;
They have and we have not.
Since there are the opposites, the competition must occur.If engaging in competition, one should make oneself into the leading position.Certainly, the competition also includes learning from each other, mutually promoting and integrating with each other, and progressing forward together.However, competition is the first.Learning, promoting, integrating with each other and progressing forward together are the final results and the ideal state of a competition.
Talking about learning from each other, our Chinese sedimentologists always study the advanced research works of foreign sedimentologists.Precisely, I am an activist of studying foreign sedimentology.I and many Chinese sedimentologists have translated and published 5 monographs of sedimentology,i.e., theclassification of Carbonate Rocks—Symposium(Ham, 1962),Carbon?ate Rocks(Chilingaret al., 1976),Origin of Sedimentary Rocks(Blattet al.,1972),Carbonate Facies in Geologic History(Wilson,1975), andDeep Water Carbonate Environments(Cook and Enos,1977), and many articles of sedimentology.Conversely, most foreign sedimentologists do not learn from us, because most of them don’t understand Chinese language.Therefore, on the subject of learning from each other, we have the advantage.Hope this advantage will be carried on forever.
The more we want to be on the front of international sedimentology, the more we should study the advanced research works and experiences of sedimentology from overseas.We should promote our creation and adhere to our characteristics.We should promote Chinese sedimentology into the advanced position or the leading position in the world.In this way, we can make our contribution to the development and innovation of Chinese and international sedimentology.In 3-5 years, or 8-10 years, or even several decades, we must and will reach this goal.
As early as 2004, during the Eighth National Conference of Palaeogeography and Sedimentology held in Daqing, the work of revising theSedimentology of Chinawas proposed.Most sedimentologists of younger generation enthused, however, some sedimentologists of older generation were on the opposite.A few years later, many young sedimentologists proposed to revise the book repeatedly, and they met with the same results.
I positively stand for revising the book.
Later on, I decided to accept the suggestion of young sedimentologists.Based on some preparatory meetings, the conference of revising and publishing theSedimentology of China(Second Edition)was held at May 31, 2009, in China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing).The sedimentologists who were invited to attend the conference included Cai Keqin, Dong Wenming,Feng Zengzhao, Gong Enpu, He Youbin, Hu Bin, Jia Jinhua, Jin Zhenkui, Liu Changling, Liu Huanjie, Liu Jianbo, Liu Qinfu, Peng Suping, Qian Kai (represented by Shi Zhensheng), Qiao Xiufu, Shao Longyi, Song Tianrui, Ying Fengxiang, Yu Xinghe, Yuan Xuanjun, Zheng Xiujuan,Zhu Jingquan, and Zhu Xiaomin.
Zhou Jiayao, the assistant director and the associate editor-in-chief of Petroleum Industry Press,and Ma Ji, the director of Petroleum Science and Technology Publishing Center, also attended.
During this conference, participants discussed the revising plan conscientiously and comprehensively, which included the name of this book, the authors, the target readers, the setup of parts and chapters of this book, the length of each chapter and related academic standards, the contents of each chapter, the deadline of completing all chapters of this book, the reviewing work, the editing work, and the publishing work.
During the conference, attendees discussed and adopted the Editorial Committee ofSedimen?tology of China(Second Edition)as well.
This was an important conference.Since then, the writing procession ofSedimentology of China(Second Edition)was formally started.
From May, 2009 to August, 2013, four years passed.During these four years, several editorsin-chief meetings were held to discuss some important problems and to make relevant resolutions promptly, for example, the setup of some new chapters and their primary contents, the review and the modif i cation for each chapter, and the editing work before sending the manuscripts to the Petroleum Industry Press (the editing work was mainly undertaken by the editors of theJournal of Palaeogeography).
According to the suggestions from reviewers and editors, the authors of each chapter revised their manuscripts several times promptly.In general, the scripts were revised 3-5 times; some scripts were revised more than a dozen times.As the editor-in-chief, I read through all the manuscripts and the revised scripts of each time, and proposed detailed suggestions in writing.Thanks to the authors who sincerely considered my suggestions in each time.These were cherished trusting,understanding, and supporting among us.
I would like to mention the reviewers of each chapter, who proposed many accurate and specif i c suggestions for revising, which elevated the subject contents and the academic level of each chapter.
These reviewers are Bao Zhidong, Chen Shiyue, Deng Shenghui, Du Yuansheng, Fan Jiasong,Fu Jinhua, Gao Zhenzhong, Gong Enpu, Gong Yiming, Guan Shourui, He Qixiang, He Youbin,Hou Fanghao, Huang Sijing, Huang Wenhui, Jiang Zaixing, Jiao Yangquan, Jin Zhenkui, Jin Kuili,Li Chengsen, Li Congxian, Li Wenhou, Li Xianghui, Lin Chunming, Liu Qinfu, Liu Jianbo, Meng Yuanlin, Peng Yongmin, Qian Kai, Qiao Xiufu, Qu Yihua, Shao Longyi, Shou Jianfeng, Sun Shanping, Wang Pujun, Wang Xingzhi, Wu Xichun, Wu Yasheng, Yang Jianping, Yang Shouren, Yao Jianxin, Yu Xinghe, Yu Heyong, Zhang Changmin, Zhang Yinben, Zheng Junmao, Zheng Mianping,Zheng Xiujuan, Zhong Rong, Zhu Jingquan and Zhu Xiaomin.
In addition, I would like to mention all the editors of theJournal of Palaeogeography.They are Zheng Xiujuan, Wang Yuan, Zhang Xijuan, Li Xinpo, and Wu Xiaoming.They worked very hard for the mailing and receiving, printing, proof reading, reviewing, editing, drawing, and typing.Without the great support from the editorial office of theJournal of Palaeogeography, the heavy and arduous revision work of this book would be too diff i cult to reach the end.
I sincerely express my gratitude to all the authors of the second edition, all the members of the editorial committee, all the reviewing experts, and all the editors of theJournal of Palaeogeog?raphy.Also, I express my appreciation to the assistant director and associate editor-in-chief Zhou Jiayao, and the editors Ma Ji, Ma Xinfu and Pang Qiwei, of the Petroleum Industry Press.Hopefully, this book will be published as soon as possible.
Overall, the writing of the second edition was more conscientious than the first edition, because of the insertion of two additional important steps (expert reviewing and editing works before submitting the manuscripts to Petroleum Industry Press).Therefore, the academic level and the editing level were greatly elevated in the second edition of this book.Furthermore, the number of pages in the second edition of this book have been increased up to 1800 pages that doubled the number of pages of the first edition.Therefore, the second edition will be published in two volumes.
Hopefully, theSedimentology of China(Second Edition)will further promote the continual development and innovation of Chinese and international sedimentology and will benefit the construction of our country.
Hopefully, after the next nineteen years, many more outstanding Chinese sedimentologists,based on the latest knowledge of Chinese sedimentology, will revise the second edition and publish the third edition of this book.Therefore they can continuously make contributions to the development and innovation of Chinese and international sedimentology, and continuously make contributions to the construction of our country.
Lastly, I must point out that theSedimentology of China(First Edition)is a historical monograph in the domain of Chinese sedimentology and Chinese geology, it will continuously contribute to the development of Chinese and international sedimentology.
Congratulations on the publication of theSedimentology of China(Second Edition)!
Best wishes to all the readers!
Best wishes to Chinese sedimentology!
Journal of Palaeogeography2013年4期