Well, what Id like to do is to reform education. I want to change how schools and universities teach people, and what they teach in particular. I think that were very good nowadays at teaching practical subjects like 1)accountancy and 2) microbiology. What were still very bad at doing is instructing young people systematically in many of the challenges of daily life; how to have relationships, how to bring up children, how to manage ones anxieties and ambitions, how to face mortality. These things are not systematically addressed in the education system. So, in my ideal world, Id have regular classes in which the works of culture of humanity—literature, plays, works of art—are used as 3)conduits to 4)contemplating some of the large and important questions, and wed stop treating self-help, as I might call it, as something that is merely for idiots, and see it as something that all of us have to 5)wrestle with in order to have any chance of leading a good life. So thats my plan for a new kind of education system.