Roopa Suchak
Reporter: If youve ever dreamt of living life under the sea, the Philippine Mermaid Swimming Academy in Manila could be the place for you. Coaches teach swimmers how to master the 1)plexiglass and rubber mono-fin tails and 2)frolic like the real mythical aquatic creatures.
Student A: Well, I think every girl wants to be a mermaid at one point in her life.
Reporter: The school started as a creative way to teach swimming to young children. Coaches soon found that half human-half fish people could be good role models.
Mermaid Coach: We have this notion that the mermaids are beautiful, are playful, are fun, and adventurous and graceful, so that is what we want to impart to the kids also.
Reporter: Learning how to do dolphin kicks, 3)handstands and blow kisses underwater seems to have 4)made a splash with the students.
Student B: I feel happy because I get to swim. I get to swim like a mermaid, because I wanted to be a mermaid since I was young.
Reporter: And swimming in a skin-tight suit requires 5)abdominal and muscle strength, making it for a good workout too.