1 內(nèi)景/Interior view
安提諾里侯爵酒莊是世界上最古老的葡萄園之一。這個家族企業(yè)成立于1385年,現(xiàn)已傳至第26代——甚至在經(jīng)歷了600多年后的今天,其發(fā)展勢頭也絲毫不減當(dāng)年。這家企業(yè)的葡萄酒年產(chǎn)量在1800萬~ 2200萬瓶之間,它最近一次較大的行動,就是在巴爾吉諾建立了新的總部大樓。這里地處基安蒂大區(qū)中部,周邊為帶狀山丘所環(huán)繞,并有數(shù)千棵柏樹直指云霄。直到最近,公司的生產(chǎn)與行政部門才徹底分開,后者的總部位于佛羅倫薩舊城內(nèi)一處歷史建筑中,而生產(chǎn)部門則分布在基安蒂區(qū)的各個地區(qū)。價值近1.1億歐元的安提諾里家族酒莊,現(xiàn)在終于為整個家族帝國提供了一處類似精神家園的場所。
為了建造這座酒莊,大約挖掘了40萬m2土方,數(shù)量驚人。經(jīng)過了7年的建設(shè),其中部分土方被重新鋪設(shè)在了建筑頂部,其余部分則用于周邊場地的整頓?,F(xiàn)在山坡上又重新生長出了葡萄藤。甚至在幾杯基安蒂紅酒下肚后,人們也很難完全相信,在整片景觀之間隱藏著一個龐大的紅酒帝國,其中包括完整的紅酒生產(chǎn)流線、辦公室、停車場、運料卡車和半掛式卡車的回車道,以及一條1.2km長的公路。(徐知蘭 譯)
Marchesi Antinori is among the oldest vineyards in the world. Founded in 1385, the family business is now in its 26th generation - and even after more than 600 years, it shows no signs of slowing down. The most recent coup for the enterprise, which produces between 18 and 22 million bottles of wine a year, is the construction of a new headquarters building in Bargino, an area in the middle of the Chianti Classico region, surrounded by striped hills and thousands of cypress trees that point like candles into the sky. Up until recently, production and administration were separate: the latter was quartered in an old palazzo in the inner city of Florence, the former scattered throughout the Chianti. Cantina Antinori, which came in at a cost of 110 million euros, now provides the family empire with something akin to a spiritual home.
The subterranean building is barely visible from the road. The landscape bears two level cuts, as though the hillside had been sliced horizontally over a length of 200 metres. A bit of glass here, a spot of pre-weathered Cor-Ten steel imitating the russet of the Tuscan soil there - between them, like a sculpture, a dizzying spiral staircase corkscrews upwards. That's it. As the New York Times described it, "The architecture doesn't just occupy the landscape, it becomes the landscape."
It takes the eyes a few seconds to adjust to the darkness. The light is dim, the air a bit musty. In the 2000 oak casks down below, melodioussounding wines such as Tignanello, Pèppoli or Badia a Passignano patiently await their moment. Like a dynamic, asymmetrical wave, a brick vault with numerous arches spans the space. The two tasting rooms jut like glass drawers into the inner sanctum.
This dramatic architectural gesture has a purpose: the aging cellars, up to ten metres high, need to be neither cooled nor heated. The ambient temperature remains constant at between 13 and 15 degrees Celsius throughout the year. Moreover, the 130000 fired bricks that lend the space its distinctive atmosphere act as moisture reservoirs. In short, the conditions are ideal for the storage of red wine. The credit for the concept goes to the Florentine architecture practice Archea, which has succeeded in creating a clever balance between factory floor and house of worship.
Incidentally, the untreated, wire-cut clay bricks, which are attached to a steel substructure, were manufactured only a few kilometres from the site. They were custom-designed for this project. Their special form, tweaked over weeks of collaboration between the architects and technicians, was designed for easy installation on site. They are simply interlocked with tongue-and-groove joints.
A staggering 400000 cubic metres of earth had to be excavated to build the Cantina. After 7 years of construction, part of this soil was deposited over the building, while the remaining material was used to mould the surrounding terrain. Now vines once again grow on the slopes. Even after a few glasses of Chianti, the fact that the earth conceals a giant empire, complete with wine production, administration, parking lots, turning paths for lorries and semi-trailer trucks, and 1.2 kilometres of road, is hard to swallow.
項目信息/Credits and Data
客戶/Client: 安提諾里侯爵酒莊公司/Marchesi Antinori s.r.l.
建設(shè)周期/Construction Period: 2007 - 2012
使用面積/Usable Floor Area: 139950m2
建筑用途/Building's Purpose: 紅酒生產(chǎn),辦公室,博物館,演講廳,餐館/Winery, offices, museum, auditorium, restaurant
用磚類型/Brick Type: 面磚,室內(nèi)飾面磚/Facing bricks, interior cladding bricks
攝影/Photos: Wienerberger AG/Pietro Savorelli (Fig.1-5, 8-10), Leonardo Finotti (Fig.7,11)
3 鳥瞰/Aerial view
4 樓梯/Stairs
5 出口/Exit
LU Xiang: Continuing six centuries of winemaking at this location, the barrels reminds one of countless memories of wine's taste and this wine cellar, defined by non-load bearing brick vaults, presents a visual memory. The freely curving shape of the vaults and the recessing of the floor of the cellar all clearly prove that the brick vault is no longer under stress. With these details and the architect's interlocking handmade brick texture, the surface of the brick vaults appears as a "floating brick blanket".
Yang Zhijiang: If you put aside the functional properties of the building, the project can be seen as a masterpiece - like Robert Smithson's Spiral Jetty -forged from Mother Nature's bosom. It gives the original mountain landscapes a mysterious and poetic aura. Most of the blocky building mass is hidden within the hills, leaving the uber-scaled heavy overhanging eaves and steel plate wrapped in a large-scale spiral staircase to be exposed on the exterior of the building. A scenic natural background serves as a backdrop to Richard Serra's large-scale steel sculptures. The wine cellar continues the upper part of the landscape features, using special firebricks that create a rolling-hill-like effect underground that leaves visitors both astounded and in awe. The architects pay respect to nature and the love of art. They seamlessly integrate those themes into Antinori Winery's spectacular landscape.
Cantina Antinori, Bargino, Italy, 2012
Architects: Archea Associati
6 平面示意/Plan diagram
7.8 內(nèi)景/Interior view
9 細部/Detail
10.11 內(nèi)景/Interior view