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Journal of Economics of Water Resources

2014-04-09 12:05:15
水利經(jīng)濟(jì) 2014年5期

DrivingforcesforchangeofwaterfootprintinChinabasedonIPAT-LMDImodel/XI Xu, et al(College of Urban and Environment, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116029, China)

Abstract: By establishing IPAT model for change of water footprint, the driving forces for change of water footprint in China are decomposed into three humanistic factors of population, affluence and technology. The contribution rates of the above three factors to change of China’s water footprint as well as their average annual contribution rates in various provinces in China from 1997 to 2011 are measured using the LMDI decomposition model. The results show that the impact of the degree of affluence on change of water footprint is the greatest, that of the population is the smallest, both of which are positive driving factors, and the technology has bidirectional driving effects, while currently it is substantially negative driving force. The provinces and regions with the most impact of populations on water footprints include Shanghai, Zhejiang and Guangdong with relatively large population density. Those with the most impact of affluence on water footprint include Guangxi, Ningxia and Shanxi with relatively poor economic level. Those with the most impact of technical effects on water footprint include Zhejiang and Guangdong with strong economy. Finally, some countermeasures and potential improvements are put forward.

Keywords: water footprint; driving factor; IPAT model; LMDI decomposition

EfficiencyofindustrialwateruseinChinabySFAP/BIAN Jinyu, et al(State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing 210029, China)

Abstract: Based on the data of industrial water use efficiency and related factors in China’s 31 provinces (cities or regions) from 1997 to 2010, a model for the industrial water use efficiency is established by using the modified SFAP to regard the industrial added value per 10000 RMB Yuan as the dependent variable and the factors as the independent variables. The most important factors in different regions are identified. According to the analysis of model fitting errors, the average absolute errors of the model are all lower than 17%, indicating that the proposed model has high accuracy and reliability and can be adopted to forecast the future efficiency of industrial water use and to provide the practical technology for the redline regulation of water use efficiency.

Keywords: industrial water use efficiency; analysis model; factor; SFAP

Empiricalresearchoninteractionbetweenhinterlandeconomyandportoperatingefficiency/ZHENG Huixiangzi, et al(Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: The cargo throughput of 13 ports from 1990 to 2012 and the economic data of GDP, employed population, foreign direct investment and investment in fixed assets of the cities where the ports are located are selected. The stability and co-integration of the related data are measured using the unit root tests and co-integration tests by means of the econometric methods such as the panel data model. On this basis, the degree of mutual influence between cargo throughput of ports and various economic indices in the cities where the ports are located is tested, and the interaction between hinterland economy and port operating efficiency is quantitatively measured. The empirical results show that there is a significant correlation between hinterland economy and port operating efficiency, that is, it is mainly a positive correlation between the total throughput of the ports and the GDP of hinterland areas, and the improvement of port operating efficiency can increase the employment rate in the hinterland cities.

Keywords: hinterland economy; port operating efficiency; interaction; panel data model

Investmentandfinancingmechanismoflarge-scalehydraulicprojectsinFujianProvince/ZHENG Yu, et al(Fujian Branch of China Development Bank Co., Ltd., Fuzhou 350003, China)

Abstract: Nowadays, the importance of large-scale hydraulic projects in Fujian Province is increasingly prominent, and one of the urgent problems is relevant to the improvement of investment and financing mechanism of these projects. Establishment of scientific investment and financing mechanism for large-scale hydraulic projects is of great significance to alleviating the trouble of growing demand for funds and to the construction of ecological civilization in Fujian Province. Based on the analysis of the overall status and the existing problem of this mechanism, the relevant reasons are investigated, including low yield rate of project investment and imperfect financing service system. Foreign experience is summarized from three aspects of investment, financing and operating compensation of water conservancy. Finally some suggestions are put forward for improving the investment and financing mechanism of large-scale hydraulic projects in Fujian Province: (1) active establishment of multi-channel, diversified investment and financing system and optimization of structure of investment funds; (2) further strengthening of financial support; (3) promotion of project investment management; (4) full use of insurance function and improvement of the relevant laws and regulations for indemnification.

Keywords: large-scale hydraulic project; investment and financing mechanism; diversified investment and financing system; project investment management

IndustrialwateruseefficiencyofJiangsuProvincebasedonDEA/WANG Ying (Bussiness School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: Using BC2model of data envelopment analysis (DEA), the efficiency of industrial water use in Jiangsu Province from 2002 to 2012 is analyzed by selecting the industrial water consumption, industrial employees, industrial fixed assets investment and industrial wastewater COD (chemical oxygen demand) emissions as the input indices and the industrial production as the output index. The results show that during the 11 years, the effective years of DEA account for 55%, indicating that the inputs and outputs are in the optimal state. For the non-effective years of DEA, the input indices are consumptive and can be projected and improved. According to the empirical results, some suggestions are proposed for improving the efficiency of industrial water use in Jiangsu Province.

Keywords: water resource; industrial water use efficiency; DEA; Jiangsu Province

Capitalmobilizationforcomprehensivewaterconservancyproject——CasestudyofShihutangNavigationandHydropowerProject/YANG Huihui, et al(China Water Resources Pearl River Planning Surveying and Designing Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510610, China)

Abstract: Taking Shihutang Navigation and Hydropower Project on Ganjiang River in Jiangxi Province as an example, the capital mobilization schemes of comprehensive water conservancy projects are quantitatively studied. The cost of various possible capitals is analyzed, and the scheme and order of capital financing are determined according to the calculated capital cost. The amount of each capital is determined through the loan capacity analysis and financial analysis according to its specific situation. It may provide reference for comprehensive utilization of capital for water conservancy projects.

Keywords: capital mobilization; capital cost; fund scheme; loan capacity; financial analysis

QuantitativeanalysisofcontributionrateoftechnologicalprogressofwaterconservancyinJiangsuProvince/GU Jinxia, et al(Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: The relationship between scientific and technological progress and economic growth and the contribution rate of science and technology are introduced. The existing researches show that the progress of water conservancy industry plays a role in promoting the economic growth to some extent. By defining the output efficiency of water conservancy, capital stock and labor input, the Solow function is adopted to calculate the contribution rate of scientific and technological process of water conservancy in Jiangsu Province during the period of 2000—2010. The calculated results show that the contribution of scientific and technological capital of water conservancy in Jiangsu Province exhibits a certain decrease tendency, that of labor force first increases and then tends to be stable, and that of technical progress is basically stable and then gradually increases since 2004.

Keywords: water conservancy industry; scientific and technological achievement; contribution rate; quantitative analysis; Jiangsu Province

ResearchandapplicationofwaterpricesysteminintakeareaofSouth-to-NorthWaterDiversionProjectinHebeiProvince/SUN Meiying, et al(Water Resources Automation and Development Department of Hebei Institute of Water Resources, Shijiazhuang, 050051, China)

Abstract: By 2014, the South-to-North Water Diversion Project will be put into use in Hebei Province. The intake area in Hebei Province will form a complex water system of multiple water supply sources, users and hydraulic projects. While the rational water price system is the key to ensure the system to work effectively. Based on the full analysis of bearing capability of consumers, water-supply cost of different water sources and the existing water price system in the intake are in Hebei Province, three kinds of water price systems, “same district same price”, “different districts different prices and “same city same price”, are proposed according to the principle of fairness, justice, operability and practibility. Their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. Some suggestions are put forward so as to provide reference for the researches on the diverted water price system in other areas.

Keywords: South-to-North Water Diversion Project; intake area; water price system; Hebei Province

ProblemsandsuggestionsofcollectionofwaterresourcefeeinChina/LIU Xisheng, et al(Bureau of Hydrology and Water Resources Survey of Qinghai Province, Xining 810001, China)

Abstract: The collection system of water resource fee in China firstly established by the local government in the 1980s has nearly 40 years of evolution history. During this period, the collection mechanism of water resource fee has gradually improved. It has played an important role in the optimal allocation and management of property rights of water resources. Based on the analysis of problems on collection agencies, range, target and standards of water resource fee, some suggestions for improving the national and provincial collection system of water resource fee are proposed.

Keywords: water resource fee; collection element; water resource management

InstitutionalevolutionofwaterallocationpoliciesinHeiheRiverbasinsince1960/ZHONG Fanglei, et al(Key Laboratory of Eco-Hydrology in Inland River Basin, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China)

Abstract: The evolution of water allocation policies in Heihe River is analyzed. The various cost-income predicaments of the stakeholders as the subjects of game are investigated, and deeper social, political, economic and environmental sources to cause the subjects’ preferences are discussed. It is undoubted to understand the institutional evolution at higher level and to provide useful inspiration for the improvement of policy system. The history of formulation and implementation of water allocation policies in Heihe River basin since 1960 is summarized. A possible model for the institutional evolution is of water allocation policies is proposed, that is, an integrated and general model for the institutional evolution including three parts of the subject, the central government, local government and inhabitants (especially rural inhabitants). The institutional evolution of the old system and the derivation of the new system are the results that the three parts are balanced on the basis of repetitious game playing in the system selection of the space itself or within the space according to the strategy of maximizing their own interests under the constraint of cost control. Three parts of the subject stipulate their positions and strategic behaviors of the system evolution in face of their cost-income situations. Finally, some suggestions are proposed for the institutional improvement of water allocation policies.

Keywords: Heihe River basin; water allocation policy; institutional evolution

Severalissuesaboutecologicalcompensationoffloodstorageanddetentionareas/LIU Dingxiang, et al(Development Research Center, Ministry of Water Resources, Beijing 100038, China)

Abstract: The flood storage and detention area is an important part of flood control systems in China, and it plays an important role in the safety of flood control in river basins and regions. It is very important for promoting the economic and social development and consistently improving the living conditions to implement ecological compensation to make up for the loss of lost developing opportunities in the flood storage and detention area. According to the relevant regulations and policies, the status and contribution of the flood storage and detention area to the flood control and disaster mitigation in China are summarized through the empirical analysis and theoretical study. On this basis, the range, subject, object, standard, methods of ecological compensation in the flood storage and detention area are analyzed. It is suggested that the relevant ecological compensation regulations and policies should be enacted as soon as possible, and some ecological compensation should provided for the flood storage and detention areas specified in the directory of the national flood storage and detention areas by the central government of China.

Keywords: flood storage and detention area; ecological compensation; financial transfer payment

InvestigationofecologicalenvironmentinNanduRiverbasinofHainanProvinceandcountermeasuresforitsprotection/LIU Xianci, et al(Hainan Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Haikou 570206, China)

Abstract: In order to strengthen the protection of its water source, the water quality, pollution source and ecological environment in Nandu River basin are investigated and monitored. The relevant countermeasures and suggestions for the management and protection of Nandu River basin are proposed so as to provide basic data for its ecological protection and comprehensive treatment.

Keywords: Nandu River basin; ecological environment; Hainan

Preliminaryinvestigationofpublicparticipationmechanismofwaterpollutioncontrolinriverbasins/WANG Junyan (College of Humanities and Development, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, China)

Abstract: Currently, there is serious water pollution in river basins in China. However, the public participation can play a key role in preventing water pollution in river basins. The current status of public participation in the water pollution control and the causes are elaborated. Based on the field investigation in Taihu Lake basin, it is found that the establishment of the public participation mechanism of water pollution control in river basins is the institutional safeguard to achieve public participation. The relevant recommendations to improve the public participation are also proposed.

Keywords: public participation; river basin; water pollution control; mechanism

InvestmentriskmanagementoftransnationalhydropowerprojectsbasedoneventofMyitsonHydropowerProjectinBurma/DONG Fang (China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China)

Abstract: The event of Burma’s unilaterally mandating to suspend Myitson Hydropower Project invested by China is resulted from many factors, such as Burma’s domestic culture, politics and environment. China’s investors have great losses owing to Burma’s unilateral behavior. After a glimpse of China’s hydropower enterprises’ investment into overseas market, the event of Myitson Hydropower Project is not occasional and is typically representative. Through the in-depth analysis of this case study, the investment risks and the relative measures of transnational hydropower cooperation are discussed, and they are of great significance to preventing the losses of state-owned assets.

Keywords: Myitson Hydropower Project; investment of transnational hydropower project; loss of state-owned assets; risk management

Effectofintegratedwatermanagementonestablishmentofwater-savingsociety——CasestudyofZigongCity/SHEN Keyu (Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: The establishment of water-saving society is a major strategic decision and long-term strategy in relation to the future and destiny of China. Zigong City is one of the typical areas of water-saving society. The research on the effect of integrated water management in Zigong on establishment of water-saving society establishment is of great importance. Through comparative analysis of the data before and after integration, nine indices including the water consumption per ten thousand Yuan GDP and that per ten thousand industrial added value of “three red lines” are analyzed. Using the “before-after” comparitive analysis, the integrated water management plays an important role in the establishment of water-saving society.

Keywords: integrated water management; establishment of water-saving society; comparative analysis; three red lines

Predicamentoflong-termmanagementofruralwaterconservancyprojectsinnorthernJiangsuProvinceanditscountermeasures/SONG Li, et al(Material Structure Department of Jiangsu Hydraulic Research Institute, Yangzhou 225002, China)

Abstract: Taking Sheyang County in Yancheng City of Jiangsu Province as an example, the current status and the exiting problems in the long-term management of rural water conservancy projects in northern Jiangsu Province are introduced. The root causes why the rural water conservancy projects are unable to give their full play at current stage are analyzed from extensive viewpoints such as implementation criteria for agricultural and hydraulic projects, project management system, fund guarantee for project management and current management awareness. Some countermeasures to solve the current long-term management problems in the rural water conservancy projects are proposed as follows: continuous improvement of management awareness of junior managers, establishment and improvement of management system for agricultural and hydraulic projects, standardization of development and management of rural towns and implementation of fund raising mechanism for agricultural and hydraulic projects.

Keywords: rural water conservancy project; project management; long-term management; Sheyang County

Comprehensiveevaluationofdevelopmentpotentialofwaterconservancyscenicareas/LIU Juan, et al(Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)

Abstract: In order to promote the healthy development of water conservancy scenic areas in China, the evaluation indices are selected based on their development characteristics, and a comprehensive evaluation index system for their development potential is established. The multilevel grey comprehensive evaluation method is adopted to analyze a specific case. The results show that the water conservancy scenic area has satisfactory development potential.

Keywords: water conservancy scenic area; development potential; multilevel grey comprehensive evaluation method Province

乐昌市| 防城港市| 大荔县| 略阳县| 潼南县| 芦溪县| 建平县| 常德市| 蒙山县| 苗栗市| 灵宝市| 偃师市| 兴文县| 西吉县| 新巴尔虎左旗| 当阳市| 依安县| 浙江省| 静海县| 易门县| 乐至县| 进贤县| 阿拉善右旗| 崇文区| 德安县| 六枝特区| 绥江县| 临泉县| 吉木萨尔县| 绿春县| 沽源县| 普兰县| 盐山县| 青田县| 桂平市| 云浮市| 保山市| 英德市| 康平县| 武功县| 宿迁市|