盼星星盼月亮,終于盼來了暑假!終于可以暫時把作業(yè)考試不能pass muster的擔憂扔到一邊啦!將近兩個月的美好時光,大家準備怎么pass the time呢?不過這大熱天的,大伙兒在愉快玩耍的時候也要注意防暑,小心中暑pass out哦!o(∩_∩)o
1. Pass muster 達到標準,符合要求
To meet the required standards
e.g. I tried, but my efforts didnt pass muster.
2. Pass judgment (on sb. or sth.) 對……作出評價,判決
To make a judgment about someone or something
e.g. The judge passed judgment on the defendant, who was then taken away to prison.
3. Pass the buck 推卸責任
To pass the blame (to sb. else); to give the responsibility (to sb. else)
e.g. Dont try to pass the buck! Its your fault, and everybody knows it.
4. Pass out 暈倒,失去知覺
To faint; to lose consciousness
e.g. Oh, look! Tom has passed out.
5. Pass the time 消磨時間
To spend time doing something; to consume or use spare time by doing something
e.g. I read a magazine to pass the time while waiting at the doctors office.