表1 實驗前后各組豚鼠AL變化Table 1 AL changes of guinea pigs before and after experiment in each group(±s,l/mm)
2.2各組豚鼠后鞏膜干質(zhì)量的比較右眼后鞏膜干質(zhì)量組間相比:C組>A組>B組,差異有統(tǒng)計學意義(F=38.294,P=0.000,見表2);左眼后鞏膜干質(zhì)量組間相比,A組、B組明顯低于C組,差異有顯著統(tǒng)計學意義(F=22.966,P=0.000),A 組與B組左眼后鞏膜干質(zhì)量差異無統(tǒng)計學意義(P=0.342)。各組豚鼠左右眼比較發(fā)現(xiàn):A組和B組豚鼠兩眼間均存在顯著差異,右眼后鞏膜干質(zhì)量明顯高于左眼(均為P=0.000);C組豚鼠兩眼間后鞏膜干質(zhì)量差異無統(tǒng)計學意義(P=0.163;見表2)。
表2 實驗4周后各組豚鼠后鞏膜干質(zhì)量比較Table 2 Dry weight of posterior scleral of guinea pigs after 4 weeks in each group
表3 實驗4周后各組豚鼠視網(wǎng)膜VIP陽性細胞數(shù)Table 3 Number of VIP positive cells of guinea pigs after 4 weeks in each group
表4 實驗4周后各組豚鼠后鞏膜MMP-2表達值OD值Table 4 OD values of MMP-2 expression in posterior scleral of guinea pigs after 4 weeks in each group
2.5.1繪制標準曲線ELISA法檢測TIMP-2的表達線性范圍限制在4.0~80.0 μg·L-1。以空白孔調(diào)零,各標準品吸光度(y)值對標準品濃度(x)作線性回歸的方程式為:y=0.037x+0.111(R2=0.990 1,P>0.05)。
Figure 1 Expression of VIP in retina of guinea pigs at 4 weeks after VIPhybrid injection (×400).A1:Right eye in group A;A2:Left eye in group A;B1:Right eye in group B;B2:Left eye in group B;C1:Right eye in group C;C2:Left eye in group C VIPhybrid注射4周后豚鼠視網(wǎng)膜VIP表達情況(×400 )。A1:A組右眼;A2:A組左眼;B1:B組右眼;B2:B組左眼;C1:C組右眼;C2:C組左眼左眼后鞏膜組織TIMP-2的表達實驗4周,A、B、C三組豚鼠左眼后鞏膜TIMP-2的含量分別為:(40.09±4.57)μg·L-1、(43.01±4.18)μg·L-1、(73.86±5.30)μg·L-1。A組、B組豚鼠左眼TIMP-2表達均低于C組,差異有顯著統(tǒng)計學意義(F=26.855,P=0.000);A組、B組比較差異無統(tǒng)計學意義(P=0.336)。
3 討論
VIP屬于小分子生物活性肽,廣泛分布于神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)和消化系統(tǒng)。既往研究證實視網(wǎng)膜細胞群中廣泛表達VIP參與多種視覺信號通路的調(diào)控,是功能性視網(wǎng)膜發(fā)育分化的促進因子。Seltner等[5]建立雛雞單眼形覺剝奪性近視模型,發(fā)現(xiàn)玻璃體內(nèi)注射VIP拮抗劑能完全消除形覺剝奪性近視的發(fā)生。前期研究發(fā)現(xiàn)長波長紅光環(huán)境中豚鼠視網(wǎng)膜VIP 表達明顯上升,且與后部鞏膜干質(zhì)量呈顯著負相關(guān)[4]。提示VIP可能在視網(wǎng)膜水平對近視眼后部鞏膜的主動重塑起重要調(diào)控作用。
鞏膜主要由大量的膠原纖維和彈性纖維組成,調(diào)節(jié)膠原纖維、基質(zhì)合成與降解最關(guān)鍵的一類蛋白酶為MMP-2及TIMP-2間的動態(tài)平衡。許多研究報道MMP-2/TIMP-2參與形覺剝奪性及透鏡誘導性近視的發(fā)生[15-16]。Western blot檢測結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn),紅光抑制豚鼠鞏膜TIMP-2表達,導致MMP-2表達增高,玻璃體內(nèi)注射VIPhybrid后能部分調(diào)控鞏膜MMP-2/TIMP-2表達,TIMP-2表達增高,MMP-2表達下調(diào),抑制程度呈劑量依賴性。但鞏膜中MMP-2/TIMP-2表達變化與視網(wǎng)膜VIP表達不一致。說明VIPhybrid能有效拮抗視網(wǎng)膜VIP的表達;同時鞏膜MMP-2/TIMP-2表達平衡除受到視網(wǎng)膜VIP表達的影響外,還由其他多種可能的生物活性物質(zhì)調(diào)控。上述實驗結(jié)果提示,VIPhybrid抑制視網(wǎng)膜VIP表達后,一定程度下調(diào)鞏膜MMP-2表達,伴TIMP-2表達上調(diào),進而抑制后鞏膜重塑變薄及眼軸的延長,延緩近視化過程。
綜上所述,VIPhybrid能夠一定程度地抑制鞏膜組織MMP-2表達,伴 TIMP-2表達上調(diào),鞏膜細胞外基質(zhì)重塑過程受阻,抑制眼軸的延長,繼而長波長光誘導的近視化過程延緩,并且在一定范圍內(nèi)呈現(xiàn)濃度依賴關(guān)系。提示視網(wǎng)膜VIP-鞏膜MMP-2/TIMP-2可能是長波長紅光誘導近視化過程的一條蛋白通路。但是研究中存在一些未明確的地方:包括視網(wǎng)膜VIP與鞏膜MMP-2之間的具體分子信號通路;其他神經(jīng)遞質(zhì)與VIP、MMP-2在近視化過程中的相互聯(lián)系;以及該拮抗劑對白光環(huán)境中眼球生長無明顯影響的原因都有待于研究。
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date:Aug 13,2013
Effects of VIPhybrid on long wave red light induced myopia
CHANG Li-Bin,LIU Peng-Fei,JIN En-Zhong,CHEN Si,XIAO-Lin
long wave-length light;myopia;vasoactive intestinal polypeptide;sclera
Objective To observe the effects of a non-specific vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) receptor antagonist (VIPhybrid) on progression of long wavelength red light induced myopia in guinea pigs,and investigate the expression changes of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2) in sclera tissues,and find the possible protein pathway of myopia formation induced by red light.Methods Myopia models induced by long wave red light were established.Thirty-six guinea pigs were divided into three groups,the cases in group A and group B were intravitreal injected VIPhybrid with high and low concentrations into right eyes and bred in red light,the cases in group C were intravitreal injected VIPhybrid with high concentrations into right eyes and bred in white light.The ocular bioparameters and posterior scleral morphous were observed,and the expression of retinal VIP,scleral MMP-2/TIMP-2 were detected.Results After 4 weeks of VIPhybrid injection,the red light could induce the long ocular axis,the ocular axis of left eye in group A,B,C were (8.10±0.09)mm,(8.13±0.08)mm and (7.78±0.07)mm,respectively,group A and B were longer than group C (allP<0.05).The ocular axis of right eye in group A,B and C were (7.85±0.09)mm,(8.01±0.07)mm and (7.76±0.08)mm,respectively,there was statistical difference between group A and B (P<0.05),group A and B were longer than group C (bothP<0.05).In group A,the posterior scleral dry weight was relatively high,the expression of VIP was decreased,and the expression of MMP-2 was also decreased,the expression of TIMP-2 was increased.In group B,the changes were same as above in group A,but lighter than group A (bothP<0.05).The posterior scleral dry weight and expression of VIP and TIMP-2 in group A and B were lower than those in group C,and the expression of MMP-2 was higher than group C (bothP<0.05).Conclusion VIP plays a role in the red light induced myopia of the guinea pigs,VIPhybrid can alleviate the myopia partly,and the inhibiting effect is positively related with reagent concentration.
AboutCHANGLi-Bin:Male,born in October,1982.Tel:+86-10-63926275;E-mail:mdchang@yeah.net
100038 北京市, 首都醫(yī)科大學附屬北京世紀壇醫(yī)院
肖林, E-mail:xiaolin1957@126.com
Accepteddate:Jan 6,2014
From theDepartmentofOphthalmology,BeijingShijitanHospital,CapitalMedicalUniversity,Beijing100038,China
Responsibleauthor:XIAO Lin,E-mail:xiaolin1957@126.com