目的 調查我院檢測人群乙型肝炎病毒表面抗體(HBsAb)及乙型肝炎病毒核心抗體(HBcAb)陽性率,并探討檢測方法選擇及檢測操作模式對免疫人群乙肝核心抗體結果的影響。方法 統(tǒng)計2012—2013年用化學發(fā)光微粒子免疫檢測法(CMIA)和酶聯免疫競爭抑制一步法(ELISA)檢測乙肝人群的HBsAb及HBcAb陽性率,并按≤2歲、2~20歲、>20歲3個年齡分段比較;收集92例免疫人群樣本用CMIA和3種ELISA法檢測HBcAb;用同種ELISA法試劑,改變操作模式進行HBcAb檢測。結果 3組年齡段檢測人群HBsAb兩種檢測方法統(tǒng)計的陽性率無統(tǒng)計學差異,≤2歲組陽性率最高;HBcAb用CMIA法統(tǒng)計的陽性率在≤2歲組和2~20歲組的免疫人群組低于ELISA法。 92例樣本用CMIA法檢測HBcAb陽性率為2.2%;用3種ELISA法試劑檢測陽性率分別為79.3%、82.6%及94.6%;3種ELISA法試劑檢測陽性率無統(tǒng)計學差異。92例樣本改變操作模式,用同種ELISA法檢測試劑檢測結果有19例為陰性,差異有統(tǒng)計學意義。結論 檢測人群HBsAb檢出率在2歲及以下人群最高,隨年齡增長抗體下降。 HBcAb用CMIA法檢測在免疫人群中檢出陽性率明顯低于EIISA法。ELISA競爭抑制一步法檢測HBcAb易造成假陽性,如改用HBcAb單項加樣操作或選用化學發(fā)光微粒子免疫檢測法(CMIA)檢測,可明顯減少假陽性。
乙肝核心抗體(HBcAb)是感染乙肝病毒的標志,具有流行病學意義,在人群中可長期存在,陽性率高達70%以上。我國已于1981年實行血源性乙肝疫苗接種,1989年改用重組基因疫苗,1992年全國推行乙肝疫苗接種,因此疫苗人群HBcAb抗體陽性率理論上應顯著減小。在實際工作中發(fā)現由于選擇的檢測方法及檢測時加樣模式的差異,結果差別較大。本文調查人群HBsAb、 HBcAb陽性檢出率,并對HBcAb檢測試劑及檢測方法進行分析。
1.1 一般資料 調查我院2012年1月—2013年7月,用CMIA法檢測的樣本共35 927例,其中男19 401例,女16 526 例。用ELISA法檢測的8 094例樣本,其中男4 998例,女3 039例。依據臨床經驗,1.5歲以下幼兒可能存在來自母體的抗體,1992年推行乙肝疫苗接種,20歲以下人群均可能是免疫人群,故人群按≤2歲;2~20歲;>20歲3個年齡段統(tǒng)計兩種檢測方法的的HBsAb、 HBcAb陽性檢出率。并從中選取年齡在2~20歲的92例 ELISA檢測HBcAb陽性,HBsAg陰性的樣本,其中男性52例,女性56例,平均年齡11歲,進行HBcAb檢測方法及試劑的分析。
1.2 試劑和儀器 (1)北京拓普公司DEM-Ⅲ型自動酶標洗板機;美國BIO-RAD 680 酶標儀;Abbott I2000SR全自動免疫分析儀。(2)試劑和方法:試劑1:化學發(fā)光微粒子免疫檢測法(CMIA),AbbottI2000SR全自動免疫分析儀配套試劑,結果值≥1 S/C.O為陽性;試劑2 :英科新創(chuàng)廈門科技有限公司ELISA法;試劑3:北京萬泰生物有限公司ELISA法;試劑4:上??迫A生物有限公司ELISA法;EIA結果值≤1 S/C.O為陽性。所有試劑盒嚴格按說明書操作。
1.3 方法 試劑2檢測陽性的92例HBsAg陰性樣本用試劑1檢測、試劑3和試劑4平行檢測HBcAb。并用試劑2進行乙肝5項操作檢測HBcAb(模式1)和單項HBcAb操作(模式2)兩種操作模式結果比較分析。所有試劑盒嚴格按說明書操作。
1.4 統(tǒng)計學分析 四種試劑檢測結果計數資料比較采用χ2檢驗。ELISA法兩種操作模式數據S/CO值采用配對t檢驗。
2.1 人群HBsAb、 HBcAb陽性率分別見表1、2。
2.2 四種不同HBcAb試劑檢測結果表3。
表1 檢測人群HBsAb陽性率
表2 檢測人群HBcAb陽性率
表3 四種不同HBcAb試劑檢測結果
2.3 92例HBcAb陽性樣本3種ELISA法檢測結果分析,結果見表4。
表4 三種ELISA法檢測結果分析
2.4 92例樣本HBcAb用ELISA法試劑1兩種操作模式測定結果分析。見表5。
表5 兩種操作模式測定結果分析
本文調查我院35 927例的3組年齡段人群HBsAb陽性檢出率,現用的CMIA法和ELISA兩種檢測方法檢測HBsAb的陽性率相近,2歲以下兒童因普及免疫接種或有來自母體的抗體,陽性率最高,但隨年齡增長,免疫接種人群抗體濃度會下降,結果與文獻報道一致[1-3];因此按《中國慢性乙肝防治指南》(2010版)[4],免疫接種后12年左右,或高危人群可進行HBsAb定量檢測,對HBsAb小于10 mIU/mL的免疫人群,應給予免疫加強。HBcAb陽性檢出率在≤2歲組和2~20歲組檢測CMIA法陽性率為35.1%和16.9%,明顯低于ELISA法的88.3%和78.9%, 結果表明免疫人群HBcAb檢測陽性率因所選用的檢測方法與試劑結果差別顯著。
本實驗中選取的92例樣本皆為1992年后出生HBsAg陰性的免疫人群的樣本,該人群大部分是重組基因疫苗接種人群,免疫后HBcAb陽性率理論值應較小。本研究的結果表明,ELISA法試劑2檢測收集的92例樣本3種ELISA試劑的陽性率分別為79.3%、82.6%及94.6%,明顯高于CMIA法檢測結果, 差異有統(tǒng)計學意義。證實由于檢測方法學差異,ELISA法造成HBcAb在乙肝免疫人群中有很高的假陽性率。免疫人群HBcAb 陽性結果會對免疫加強或疫苗免疫效果產生誤導,應該引起重視。
HBcAb是臨床乙肝抗原抗體聯合檢測項目之一,ELISA檢測中大多實驗室采用平行加樣,即一次操作多個項目。但HBcAb所使用的競爭一步法ELISA檢測,由于方法學限制,若操作同一批次時檢測樣本量較大, HBcAb加樣時間差無論手工或全自動酶免工作站,都明顯高于單項HBcAb檢測,導致檢測結果假陽性率增高,并隨時間差增大影響明顯[5-6]。本研究中92例5項檢測中HBcAb陽性樣本,經同一廠家同批號HBcAb單項重復檢測,可檢出19例陰性,結果表明操作模式的不同可造成假陽性結果。成軍等[7]采用酶和樣本先混合再加入微孔中,可明顯減少時間差造成的假陽性,但在實際操作中受限于試劑盒中酶試劑量以及操作麻煩,不易被采用。HBcAb單項操作,明顯縮短加樣的時間,臨床操作可行性較大,實驗室應改變操作模式,盡可能縮小時間差,減少檢測假陽性。
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Prevalence of anti-HBV antibody among immunized population and evaluation of different detection methods of anti-HBc antibody
ZHANG Xiao-li1,WANG Jin-long1,LIN Guang-hua1,CAO Ying-ping1,ZHOU Jian-lin2
(1.DepartmentofClinicalLaboratory,FujianMedicalUniversityUnionHospital,Fuzhou350001,China; 2.DepartmentofClinicalLaboratory,theThirdAffiliatedHospitalofFujianMedicalUniversity,Fuzhou350005,China)
In this study, we detected the positive rate of anti-HBs and anti-HBc antibody among the subject population in Fujian Medical University Union Hospital, and to evaluate different detection methods of anti-HBc antibody. The positive rate of anti-HBs and anti-HBc antibody were detected by chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay (CMIA) and one-step competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) from the year 2012 to 2013. The subject population was divided into three groups: group 1 with the age of less than 2 years old, group 2 with the age of 2-20 years old, and group 3 with the age of more than 20 years old. The positive rates of anti-HBV antibody in the different groups were analyzed. Furthermore, anti-HBc antibody of 92 samples selected from the immunized population was detected by CMIA and three kinds of ELISA reagents. Meanwhile, the detection of anti-HBc antibody by the same ELISA reagent but different operating modes were performed in these samples. The highest positive rate of anti-HBs antibody was detected in group 1, and there was no significance difference of positive rate between two detection methods of anti-HBs antibody among three groups. The positive rate of anti-HBc antibody using CMIA was significantly lower than those with ELISA among group 1 and 2. Among the 92 samples, the positive rate of anti-HBc antibody was 2.2% using CMIA. With three kinds of method of ELISA reagent, the positive rate of anti-HBc antibody were 79.3%, 82.6% and 94.6%, respectively, and there was no statistical significance among the results of three ELISA reagents. Anti-HBc was not detected from 19 samples using ELISA methods with different operating modes. It's concluded that the anti-HBs antibody declined with the increase of age, and it is necessary to discriminate the specific population to strengthen immune system. The obviously higher positive rate of anti-HBc antibody was found by ELISA in immunized population than that by CMIA. Concerning on the false positive of ELISA, specimen sampling with one specific test item or the CMIA method was recommended to detect the anti-HBc antibody.
anti-HBs antibody; anti-HBc antibody; antibody detection; enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay
Cao Ying-ping, Email: caoyingping@aliyun.com
1.福建醫(yī)科大學附屬協(xié)和醫(yī)院檢驗科,福州 350001; 2.福建醫(yī)科大學附屬第三醫(yī)院 ,福州 350000
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 8117656)