Asian Pacifi c Journal of Tropical Biomedicine
APJTB Monthly
Asian Pacifi c Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (APJTB) is administrated by Hainan Medical University and sponsored by Asian Pacifi c Tropical Medicine Press, and aims to establish an international academic communicating platform for researchers of tropical biomedicine and public health workers, especially specialists and scholars of the Asian Pacifi c region and worldwide on tropical biomedicine research, to prevent and control the prevalence of global tropical disease.
APJTB is an international academic journal and is distributed worldwide. The journal fi rst reports the latest fi ndings in both basic and clinical researches on tropical biomedicine by studying biology (botany, zoology and microbiology)-especially tropical plants, animals, microorganisms and marine organisms, analyzing biological substances and utilizing biotechnologies to assist the diagnosis and treatment of tropical diseases. Detailed areas of focus include biology, bacteriology, biochemistry, biotechnology, cell biology, environmental biology, microbiology, medical microbiology, pharmacology, physiology, pathology, immunology, virology, toxicology, epidemiology, vaccinology, hematology, histopathology, cytology, genetics and tropical agriculture.
Original article, review, epidemiological investigation, clinical research, management and decision-making, case report, editorial, short communication, letter to editor related to the aim and scope of APJTB are encouraged.
The journal is aimed at researchers, physicians, clinicians in the fi eld and not in the fi eld, medical scientists, educators, administrators, allied health professionals, medical students and policy makers.
The journal is proud to have an international and diverse editorial board that will assist and facilitate the publication of articles that refl ect a global view on tropical disease as well as emphasizing our focus on supporting the needs of public health practitioners.
APJTB will allow us to seek opportunities to work with others who share mutual goals, and to enhance our work through partnership, and to uphold the standards of our profession and contribute to its advancement.
Administrated by
Hainan Medical University, Haikou, China http://www.hainmc.edu.cn/
Sponsored by
Asian Pacifi c Tropical Medicine Press, Haikou, China http://www.apjtcm.com/hnyxy.html
Edited by
Editorial Board of Asian Pacifi c Journal of Tropical Biomedicine http://www.apjtb.com/board.htm http://www.apjtb.com/zy/f4.pdf
Published by
Asian Pacifi c Journal of Tropical Biomedicine Editorial Offi ce
Address: Asian Pacifi c Journal of Tropical Biomedicine Editorial Offi ce, Room 318, Administration Building, Hainan Medical University, Xueyuan Road 3, Haikou, Hainan, China.
Tel: +86-898-36335723
Fax: +86-898-36335723
E-mail: apjtbb@yahoo.com
Printed by
Haikou Yongfa Printing Co., Ltd http://www.yf999.com/
Jeffrey M. Bethony, Washington DC, USA
Daouda Sissok, La Réunion, France
Malcolm K. Jones, Queensland, Australia
Vanessa Steenkamp, Pretoria, South Africa
Nazni Bte Hj. Wasi Ahmad, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia http://www.apjtb.com/
Executive Editor-in-Chief Shunhai Qu, Haikou, China
ISSN: 2221-1691
Elsevier Online Submission:
https://www.evise.com/evise/faces/pages/navigation/NavController. jspx?JRNL_ACR=APJTB
Online submission: apjtbb@yahoo.com
Electronic edition
An electronic version is available at www.apjtb.com
Volume of distribution: 3000 Price (Single issue) $ 31.5
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Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine2016年3期