The 6 or 7 minutes during takeoff or landing are the most critical times for any fl ight. Pilots must be trained hundreds, if not thousands, of times in each operation and have everything carefully calculated to make it a success. What are the little-known secrets behind takeoffs and landings?
Text by Yunshi Wu Translation by Leo Illustrations by Haolun Zhang
Lift it up
An aircraft uses the lift generated by its wings to become airborne while taxiing on the runway.
A relative speed between the airplane and air is produced as the airplane gains speed due to the thrust generated by its engines. Because of the streamlined shape of the wings, air travels slower under them and faster over them, creating a higher pressure under them and a lower pressure above them. This is how lift is generated.
At a certain point during takeoff, the pilot will pull back on the control stick to defl ect the elevators up. To reduce takeoff speed and shorten the takeoff roll, the pilot will lift the nose gear (so that the aircraft is in a two-point attitude) to increase the angle of attack and lift coeffi cient of the wings, when the aircraft reaches a certain speed. This must be done when the airplane reaches the right speed, or a tail strike may occur.
Aircraft landing involves more complicated manoeuvres than takeoff does as more changes occur at a faster pace during the process.
The basic idea of landing is to bring down the engine thrust, the aircraft speed and the speed of airfl ow over the wings. At landing, the engines idle; and the pilot must slow the forward speed and the rate of descent, while avoiding stalled engines, in order for the airplane to touch down at the approach end of the runway in time. In the process, fl aps and slats are often used to change the aircraft shape and the angle of descent.
Blind landing
“Blind landing” is a process in which a pilot is forced to land an airplane in cloudy or otherwise low-visibility conditions when the runway is not clear, relying on radio signals and high-intensity light arrays. Blind landing systems are needed to guide the plane to a safe landing. Two alternative systems are often available at mainstream airports to guide the aircraft down to 30 metres above the ground, where the pilot can see the runway.