馮慧喆, 嚴(yán)克儉, 黃云峰
( 1. 廣西師范大學(xué) 生命科學(xué)學(xué)院, 廣西 桂林 541004; 2. 廣西壯族自治區(qū)中醫(yī)藥研究院, 南寧 530022 )
馮慧喆1, 嚴(yán)克儉2*, 黃云峰2
( 1. 廣西師范大學(xué) 生命科學(xué)學(xué)院, 廣西 桂林 541004; 2. 廣西壯族自治區(qū)中醫(yī)藥研究院, 南寧 530022 )
在第四次中藥資源普查中采集了大量標(biāo)本,經(jīng)過對這些標(biāo)本進(jìn)行仔細(xì)鑒定并查閱相關(guān)資料,確定其中兩號標(biāo)本為香茜屬(CarlemanniaBenth.)和粘腺果屬(CommicarpusStandl.)植物。這兩屬植物在廣西尚無報道,為首次記錄。香茜屬植物葉對生,子房下位,無托葉,雄蕊僅有2枚,這和茜草科相似但又不同,系統(tǒng)位置較混亂,以前曾放于茜草科(Rubiaceae)和忍冬科(Caprifoliaceae)中,最近該屬和蜘蛛花屬獨立成香茜科(Carlemanniaceae)。該屬植物共有3種,沿喜馬拉雅山脈向東一直分布到緬甸、越南北部。我國西藏東南、云南南部、廣西西北部分布一種即香茜(CarlenanniachinenesisHook. f.)。粘腺果屬是紫茉莉科(Nyctaginaceae)主產(chǎn)熱帶地區(qū)的1個屬,全世界約25種分布于熱帶非洲和阿拉伯半島南部,在南亞、東南亞和墨西哥至熱帶美洲也有少量分布。中國產(chǎn)2種,其中廣西產(chǎn)1種即中華粘腺果[Commiaicarpuschinensis(L.) Heim.]。該種植物分布廣泛,從南亞次大陸向東至中南半島、馬來半島,向北到我國西沙群島、海南島以及廣州附近,在廣西首次記錄,產(chǎn)鳳山縣和凌云縣。
香茜屬, 粘腺果屬, 新記錄屬, 廣西
作者在對第四次全國中藥資源普查采集的標(biāo)本進(jìn)行整理鑒定時,確認(rèn)了采自廣西凌云縣的2種植物為廣西新記錄物種,即香茜(CarlemanniatetragonaHook. f.)和中華粘腺果[Commicarpuschinensis(L.) Heim];香茜屬(CarlemanniaBenth.)和粘腺果屬(CommicarpusStandl.)均為廣西首次記錄屬,憑證標(biāo)本均存于廣西中醫(yī)藥研究院標(biāo)本館(GXMI)。
香茜圖版 Ⅰ
Carlemannia tetragona Hook. f. in Fl. Brit. Ind.3: 85.1880;Ferguson in Not. Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinb.32(1):103.1972; 云南植物志 5:349,圖版115(1-3).1991; 西藏植物志 4:439,圖 190(1-5), 1985;中國植物志 71(1):176.圖版 44(1-5), 1999; F1ora of China 19:478.2011.——C.henryLevl. In Fedde, Repert Sp.Nov.13:178.1914;中國高等植物圖鑒4:194,圖5801.1975。
草本或亞灌木,高0.5~1.5 m,莖底部平臥,節(jié)上生根,嫩枝方柱形,老枝圓柱形,無毛。葉薄紙質(zhì)或膜質(zhì),橢圓形或卵形,對生,無托葉,兩側(cè)歪斜,長3~15 cm,寬2~8 cm,頂端常尾尖,基部稍下延,邊緣鋸齒明顯,葉兩面被疏柔毛。葉柄長2~4 cm,被微柔毛。聚傘花序,長2~4 cm,被短柔毛頂生,雄蕊2。苞片線形,長2~2.5 mm,鈍。花梗長1~2.5 mm。萼4,線形,長1~2 mm?;ü诎咨聿坑悬S斑,外被疏柔毛,內(nèi)被長柔毛。蒴果闊金字塔形,直徑3.5~4.5 mm,頂端收縮,基部截平,星狀開裂成4果瓣,果瓣上萼裂片宿存。種子有網(wǎng)紋?;ㄆ?-9月,果期10-12月。
廣西(Guangxi): 凌云縣加尤鎮(zhèn)天山屯,生于土山林下水溝邊,海拔730 m,2013-07-12,凌云調(diào)查隊451027130712004(GXMI)。
Carlemannia Benth. in J. Bot. Kew Misc. 5: 308. 1853; Hook. f. in Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. 2: 63. 1873 et Fl. Brit. Ind. 3: 85. 1880; K. Schum in Engl. u. Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. IV (4): 31, fig. 8 (u). 1891; Airy-Shaw in Kew Bull. 19 (3): 512. 1965.
在《西藏植物志》和《中國植物志》中,香茜屬隸屬于茜草科(Rubiaceae)。但是,香茜屬和蜘蛛花屬(SilvianthusHook. f.)無托葉,葉有鋸齒,雄蕊2枚,花被微兩側(cè)對稱,與茜草科其他屬差異明顯,故其分類位置尚多爭議。Solereder(1893)根據(jù)解剖學(xué)的資料將其放在忍冬科,隨后Kern & Steenis(1951)和Hutchinson(1967)也將該2屬轉(zhuǎn)移至忍冬科,Airy-Shaw(1965)則主張另立香茜科(Carlemanniaceae)。Majumdar & Chanda(1978)根據(jù)花粉形態(tài)特征則主張仍置于茜草科。APG(1998)跟據(jù)分子生物學(xué)證據(jù)獨立成科。Savolainen et al (2000) 和 Bremer et al(2001)根據(jù)分子和形態(tài)學(xué)分析認(rèn)為應(yīng)該放于I類真菊分支(euasterids I)唇形目(Lamiales),是木犀科的姊妹群,這種關(guān)系或許被這兩個科都有兩個雄蕊所支持?!对颇现参镏尽?吳征鎰和陳介,1991)以及《Flora of China》(Chen & Anthony, 2011)則采納了Airy-Shaw(1965)、APG(1998)和Thiv(2004)的觀點,將香茜屬和蜘蛛花屬置于香茜科,該科共2屬5種,分布于熱帶亞洲。
中華粘腺果圖版 Ⅱ
Commicarpus chinensis(L.) Heim. in Engler &. Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. ed 2.. 16c: 117. 1934.ValerianachinensisL., Sp. Pl 1:. 33. 1753.——Boerhaviachinensis(L.) Aschers. et Schweinf., Beitr. Fl. Aeth. 1: 167. 1867; Stemm. in Steenis, Fl. Males. ser. 1, 6 (3): 455. fig. l (a-e). 1964.——B.chinensis(L.) Druce in Bot. Exch. Club. Brit. Isles Rep. 3: 415. 1914; Merr. et Chun in Sunyatsenia 5: 51. 1940; 海南植物志1: 441. 1964.——B.repandaWilld., Sp. Pl. 1 (1): 22. 1797; Choisy in DC. Prodr. 13 (2): 455. 1849; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 4: 709. 1885; Gagnep. in Lecomte, Fl. Gen. Indo-Chine 4: 1049. 1936.
多年生草本。莖粗壯,無毛或被疏短柔毛。葉片厚紙質(zhì),三角狀卵形,長3~6 cm,寬2.5~5 cm,基部截形,邊緣波狀,兩面無毛或下面偶被糙伏毛;側(cè)脈每邊3~4條。葉柄被短柔毛。花粉紅色,傘形花序,花序梗長2~4 cm。花梗長3~7 mm;花被漏斗狀,長6~8 mm。雄蕊2~4,伸出。花柱細(xì)長,伸出,柱頭盾狀。果具10條縱棱和凸起的小腺體。花果期6-9月。
Commicarpus Standl. in Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 12: 373. 1909. 13: 428. 1911 et 18: 101. 1916; Heim. in Engler u. Prantl, Nat. Pfanzenfam. 2. Aufl.16c: 115. 1934; Hutch., Gen. Flow. Pl. 2: 268. 1967.
約25種,生于熱帶至亞熱帶,大多分布于非洲和西亞,少數(shù)分布西班牙南部、南亞、東南亞、澳大利亞、美國最南部至墨西哥、西印度群島和熱帶南美洲西部。我國有2種即中華粘腺果,另有瀾滄粘腺果(CommicarpuslantsangensisD. Q. Lu)分布于四川得榮縣(金沙江河谷)、云南德欽縣和西藏芒康縣(鹽井瀾滄江邊)。生于海拔2 300~3 000 m的干熱河谷和路旁石縫中。
AIRY-SHAW HK, 1965. A new species of the genusSilvianthusHook. f., and on the family Carlemanniaceae [J]. Kew Bull. 19: 507-512.
APG, 1998. An ordinal classification for the families of flowering plants [J]. Ann Miss Bot Gard, 85:531-553.
APG Ⅱ, 2003. An update of the angiosperm phylogeny group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG Ⅱ [J]. Bot J Linn Soc, 141: 399-436.
APG Ⅲ, 2009. An update of the angiosperm phylogeny group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG Ⅲ [J]. Bot J Linn Soc, 161, 105-121.
BREMER K, BACKLUND A, SENNBLAD B,et al, 2001. A phylogenetic analysis of 100+ genera and 50+ families of euasterids based on morphological and molecular data with notes on possible higher level morphological synapomorphies [J]. Plant Syst Evol, 229: 137-169.
CHEN TAO, ANTHONY RB, 2011. Carlemanniaceae [M]//WU ZY,RAVEN PH. Flora of China.Beijing :Science Press;St Louris:Missouri Bot Garden Press, 19:478.
HUTCHINSON J, 1967. The genera of flowering plants [M]. Oxford: Clarendon, 2: 86.
KERN JH, STEENIS CGGJ VAN, 1951. Caprifoliaceae [M]//STEENIS CGGJ VAN. Flora Malesiana I, 4. Djakarta: Noordhoff-Kolff: 175-194.
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MAJUMDAR S, CHANDA S, 1978. Pollen morphology and taxonomy ofCarlemanniaandSilvianthusof the family Rubiaceae s. l. Trans. Bose Res. Inst [J]. Calcutta 41: 99-105.
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TANG CL,KE P,LU DQ,et al, 1996. Flora of China [M]. Beijing: Science Press, 26:12-14. [唐昌林,柯平,魯?shù)氯?,? 1996. 中國植物志 [M]. 北京:科學(xué)出版社, 26:12-14.]THIV M, 2004. Polygonaceae [M]//KUBITZKI K, ROHWER J, BITTRICH V. The families and genera of vascular plants: Vol. II. flowering plants: Dicotyledons: Magnoliid, Hamamelid and Caryophyllid Families. New York: Springer-Verlag: 531-544.
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圖版 Ⅰ 香茜 A. 植株; B,C. 標(biāo)本。Plate Ⅰ Carlemannia tetragona Hook. f. A. Habit; B,C. Herbarium.
圖版 Ⅱ 中華粘腺果 A. 植株; B. 花側(cè)面; C. 花正面。Plate Ⅱ Commicarpus chinensis (L.) Heim. A. Habit; B. Flower in side view; C. Flower in faced side.
WU ZY, ZHUANG X,SU ZY, et al, 1999. Flora of China [M]. Beijing: Science Press, 71: 175-177. [吳征鎰, 莊璇,蘇志云,等, 1999. 中國植物志 [M]. 北京:科學(xué)出版社, 71: 175-177. ]WU ZY, LU AM,TANG CY, et al, 2003. The families and genera of angiosperms in China a comprehensive analysis [M]. Beijing: Science Press: 30-131. [吳征鎰, 路安民,唐彥承,等, 2003. 中國被指植物科屬綜論 [M]. 北京: 科學(xué)出版社: 30-131.]
Two newly recorded genera of angiosperm from Guangxi
FENG Hui-Zhe1, YAN Ke-Jian2*, HUANG Yun-Feng2
( 1.CollegeofLifeSciences,GuangxiNormalUniversity, Guilin 541004, China; 2.GuangxiInstituteofTraditionalMedicalandPharmaceuticalSciences, Nanning 530022, China )
In the Pilot Work of the Fourth National Survey on Chinese Materia Medica Resources, we collected many herbarium specimens. Through detailed identified and consulted literatures, we identified that there were two new recourded genera of Guangxi in these specimens. The genusCarlemanniaBenth., leaf opposite, ovary inferior, estipulate, stamens only two, similar to Rubiaceae, but there were significant differences. Therefore, it was previously putted in Rubiaceae and Caprifoliaceae, most recently this genus withSilvianthusform a new family Carlemanniaceae, only three spicies in this genus. This family distributed along the Himalayas to Burma, North Vietnam and South China, one speciesCarlenanniachinenesisHook. f. in Southeast Tibet, South Yunnan, Northwest Guangxi.Commicarpusis a genus producing in the areas of tropical, about 25 specieses in the world, main in tropical southern area of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, in South Asia, Southeast Asia and Mexico to tropical America also has some specieses. Two specieses distributed in China, onlyCommiaicarpuschinensis(L.) Heim. in Guangxi. This species is distributed from the South Asian subcontinent east to Indochina, Malay Peninsula, and north to the Xisha Islands, Hainan Island, and the nearby Guangzhou of China. It is firstly recorded in Guangxi Fengshan and Lingyun counties.
CarlemanniaBenth.,CommicarpusStandl., new records genus, Guangxi
10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201409026馮慧喆, 嚴(yán)克儉, 黃云峰. 廣西被子植物二新記錄屬 [J]. 廣西植物, 2016, 36(8):1014-1018
FENG HZ, YAN KJ, HUANG YF. Two newly recorded genera of angiosperm from Guangxi [J]. Guihaia, 2016, 36(8):1014-1018
國家自然科學(xué)基金(31260113); 全國第四次中草藥普查(廣西)試點普查項目(GXZYPC13-8) [Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31260113); Projcet of Guangxi Pilot Work of the Fourth National Survey on Chinese Materia Medica Resources(GXZYPC13-8)]。
嚴(yán)克儉,助理研究員,主要從事唇形科和茜草科分類學(xué)研究, (E-mail)yankejian1986@126.com。