朱志輝 王力東 蔣小金 余志武 蔡成標
摘要: 針對中國高速鐵路“站橋合一”大型樞紐客站的車致振動問題,以新長沙南站為例,利用自主開發(fā)的計算分析軟件TRBFDYNA建立了列車軌道客站耦合系統(tǒng)空間整體動力學分析模型,研究車致客站振動響應的分布規(guī)律、傳播和衰減規(guī)律。車輛采用31自由度車輛模型,采用有限元方法建立軌道客站三維整體動力學模型,輪軌之間采用空間非線性接觸模型。開展了單線和雙線行車工況下的列車軌道客站耦合振動分析。結果表明:受列車豎向動力荷載控制,客站以豎向振動為主;無砟軌道結構可以過濾輪軌高頻激勵,降低列車對軌道層主梁的沖擊作用;橋式結構體系可以較好地減小軌道層振動對上部結構振動的影響;雙線行車引起的客站振動響應高于單線行車,但均能滿足舒適性要求;車輛行車安全性指標符合規(guī)范要求,表明該客站結構設計具有較高的安全儲備。關鍵詞: 高速列車; 客站; 動力響應; 輪軌接觸; 無砟軌道
中圖分類號: U238;TU248文獻標志碼: A文章編號: 10044523(2016)04065610
列車激勵源模擬是研究車致“站橋合一”客站振動響應分析的首要問題。與以往研究車橋耦合振動問題不同的是,由于“站橋合一”客站結構的復雜性,建立列車客站耦合系統(tǒng)動力分析模型具有較大的難度,通常采用兩步法的研究方案。首先將軌道層獨立出來,建立列車軌道梁相互作用模型,計算得到作用在軌枕或扣件處的動力時程曲線;然后用該力替代移動列車模型作為“站橋合一”客站模型的激勵源,計算客站的動力響應[47]。王國波[4]、丁陽[5]、郭向榮[6]、傅學怡[7]、郭薇薇[8]、Feldman[9]等分別針對武漢站、天津西站、長沙南站(武廣線)、廣州站、深圳北站、南京南站和柏林站開展了車致振動響應研究。將“列車軌道客站”耦合系統(tǒng)分解為 “列車軌道梁”和“軌道梁客站”兩個子系統(tǒng)的求解模式雖然降低了建模及求解難度,但由于忽略了車輛、橋梁、客站之間的動力相互作用,難以真實反映系統(tǒng)間的耦合振動效應[10]。同時,以往的車致客站振動研究主要關注高架層振動響應,對列車走行性能、客站整體振動響應以及振動在客站內傳遞和衰減規(guī)律研究不足[1112]。
Abstract: In order to research the vibration of integrated buildingbridge railway station (IBBRS) induced by train, the spatial dynamic model of traintrackstation building coupled system of the new Changsha South Railway Station was established by selfdeveloped software TRBFDYNA and the vibration propagation and attenuation of IBBRS are discussed in this paper. The train model with 31 freedoms is built by using multirigid dynamic theory, the railstation building system model is established by FEM, and the spatial nonlinear contact model is used to simulate the wheelrail contact. The spatial coupling vibration of traintrackstation building system under different running cases of train was conducted. The results show that the vibration of railway station is controlled by train vertical dynamic loading and mainly with vertical vibration. The ballastless track can filter out the high frequency excitation induced by wheelrail interaction and reduce the impaction of train acted on the track level. The bridge structural system can reduce the effect of vibration induced by train on the vibration of superstructure of railwaystation. The vibration responses of doublelane case are larger than singlelane case. The dynamic responses of railway station and train running safety indexes meet the railway code requirements and China's current IBBRS designs have enough safety degree.
Key words: highspeed train; railway passenger station; dynamic response; wheelrail contact; ballastless track