Asleep in the Woods
A rthur Hughes (1832-1915) was an artist from England. He was born of Welsh parents in London. In 1847 he enrolled in the Royal Academy, and exhibited his first finished painting in 1849. 1850 was the most important year of his life: he fi rst discovered Pre-Raphaelitism by reading the Germ; he met Tryphena Foord, his future wife and mother of his six children; and met Alexander Munro, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and Ford Madox Brown, thenceforward being converted to their cause. He was affiliated throughout his career with the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. The group never opened up membership after its founding and several artists, like Hughes, who were associated with the Brotherhood never became full members. As well as being the best of the younger Pre-Raphaelite followers, Hughes was one of the leading book illustrators. Hughes died in 1915. His legacy included about 700 known paintings and over 750 book illustrations.
[2] Asleep in the Woods (oil on canvas, 35.5×45.7 cm) exempli fi es the description we have of Hughes from Percy H. Bate, the author of the 1899 work The English pre-Raphaelite Painters: Their Associates and Successors: “Always sweet, always wholesome, his work shows delicacy of feature, purity of colour, truth of texture, poetic fancy. He rarely seems to aim at dramatic force…There is a sweetness and gentle grace in his subjects, and a pleasing artistry in the accomplishment, that speak for themselves.”
[3] The work depicts a young maiden sitting upon the roots of a large tree. Her basket clutched in both hands sits on the roots beside her. The entire scene is bathed in shades of green from the forest fl ora and blue from the blue sky that glows from behind the trees. Moss-covered rocks, ferns and a few small fl owers create a sweet and wholesome scene that makes this work so identi fi able as being by Hughes. But, the part that makes this work popular is the curious red/brown squirrel that has climbed down from the top of the tree and sits on a low-hanging branch observing the sleeping girl. With a white chest and his tail in the air, the squirrel certainly adds the bit of poetic fancy to this famous painting by the English artist.