Just as Obi-Wan Kenobi1) presented a lightsaber2) to Luke Skywalker with the words, "Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough," my father gave me two books when I turned 11: Pebble in the Sky by Isaac Asimov3) and The Puppet Masters by Robert Heinlein4). I don't remember which book I read first, only that I finished both in one day. I never stopped.
Kevin J. Maroney, managing editor of the New York Review of Science Fiction, says, "I started reading Science Fiction (SF) because of peer pressure: My older brother was a heavy SF reader, so the stuff was all around the house when I was growing up. The earliest books I can remember reading were fantasies (Oz, Narnia, Lewis Carroll5), The Phantom Tollbooth) and SF (The Spaceship Under the Apple Tree, the Tom Swift Jr.6) novels, The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet)."
Diana Tixier Herald, author of Fluent in Fantasy: The Next Generation, says she has always been a SF reader. "I changed schools 13 times before I graduated high school, and every time I moved I would go into the library and all of my friends were there. I established relationships with the characters in these books." Herald's literary companions? Besides Nancy Drew, she read, A Wrinkle in Time, The Once and Future King, and The Mushroom Planet books by Eleanor Cameron7).
The science fiction and fantasy genre is an oeuvre8) of weird and wondrous. People come to science fiction and fantasy for the familiarity—most children's fairy tales are deeply fantastical—but they stay for reasons as varied as why people read at all.
Tor9) editor Teresa Nielsen-Hayden wisely says, "If you ask 20 different readers why they read, they will all be right." People read non-genre fiction10) to enjoy a world that is not their own, to live someone's life tangentially11) and vicariously12). People read fiction to be informed, to be entertained, to escape, etc.
Reading is an escapist13) hobby, but science fiction and fantasy reading even more so—people can escape out of their own worlds into places and times that do not exist nor ever will.